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Mask from Ocsa, the foxi saved from a puppy farm

We saved Mask along with 9 of his mates from a puppy farm in Ocsa.

You can read about his saving HERE!

Mask is one of those lucky dogs who after his survival is living his days happily with his new owner.

We got from him a summary about his new life:

"Dear NOE,

I am living with my new owner for more than a week now and I love it here. Mum and Dad took me into their home with love where I get my daily pampering. I eat delicious foods every day and I have a new dog house where I didn’t like to sleep at the first days but by now I like it a lot. It’s clean, spacious and nice! In the early mornings I play with Mum which I adore and she doesn’t because she is still sleepy
but she enjoys spending her time with me. Then my “parents” go to work and I spend my time with the neighbour Berci (dog) and we are waiting for our owners to come home. First Dad arrives home which makes me happy because I know that we are going for an afternoon walk and play with other dogs. In
the evening when Mum comes home I eat my dinner and then again we are going for a walk, play and cuddle. I can go out to play without my leash off and I am going back to my owners whenever they call me. I am trying to be a good and obedient dog. Here are a few pictures of me.

Kisses from Rafi (Mask from Ocsa)

P.S. I hope that all my mates living in NOE will find their forever homes at the earliest! "

1. Walking

2, With my new friend

3, with Dad and one of Mom's friend


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