From the porch of hell...
 Ausztrál Vénusz had to have emergency surgery to remove one of her eyes. 😢💔 The sweet old, completely blind miniature Australian Shepherd rescued from the hell of Müllner Brigitta's in Csönge had a severe glaukoma in one eye, and it put an excessive amount of pressure on it.
17 lives given a chance for a happier life!
 As we sum up the final weeks of a very turbulent 2024, here's another large-scale operation involving many animal welfare organisations. So far, 17 LIVES have been transferred from the shelter in Gyömrő, which is being liquidated, to the care of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation.
How long can a living being be physically and LEGALLY mutilated with impunity????
 She came to us with a huge hernia, a torn hind leg, a severe skin disease, at the age of one thousand and one. But we can heal her physical ailments, we can soothe her pain.
Another happy week!
 🖤 Black Week 🖤 at Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation 🎉 which we are more than happy about 🙏😍
We need you help again for Angelin
 Dear Angels! Once again, we are asking for help for our beautiful, sweet, wonder puppy Angelin. She is not new to us, she has been a resident of Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation for 4 years.
Life is never simple!
 When we go and rescue from a large place, where are large number of animals, the most important aspect was to help as many animals as possible. The most obvious way to do this is to lift out groups that are already together, as we can keep them all in the same place when we leave.
Rescue from Csönge
 14 dogs from the Csönge breeding farm have been taken into the care of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation, they are currently spending their quarantine period at the Noah's Animal Shelter in Szergény.
Please support Figaro's recovery!
 Based on your recommendation, Figaro is the newest Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation protégé from Miskolc. He is an endlessly lovable Mali mix in big trouble.
 Bleeding, ulcerated, infected tumour around the rectum. Elderly, black male dog from Csepel. 💔 Immediately taken to Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre for surgery as soon as possible.
Can you help us to help Xena?
 She is Xena and was found in Debrecen under a bush in this condition. She is currently in hospital, of course, at the Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre. She is in a lot of pain..