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A Noé Állatotthon Lómentő csapata önkénteseket toboroz!
Lómentésünk feje fölött mostanában kezdenek összecsapni a hullámok. Egyre több a feladat, és mi csak hárman vagyunk, ezért eljött az ideje, hogy segítséget kérjünk. Elsősorban lovakhoz értő önkénteseket keresnénk, akik be tudnának segíteni a mindennapos feladatok elvégzésében.
Variations for making faces
I was walking around the shelter and for and hour I didn’t see Niki or hear the voice of Meggyes.
Some lunch was mentioned, but it was long ago. So I searched for them...
Carmen: What happened in the last 6 months?
I suppose everyone knows the story of our horse Carmen. Her tarsus had been broken and the owners wanted to send her to a slaughter-house but with the participation of our vet we got her. We had nearly any hope she would be able to run in the stud without pain, but we are Noah because we don’t know the word ’impossible’. We didn't put a time limit on how much we would wait for her recovery: this was up to her.
Vet visit: Teeth filing
Regular visitors of our shelter have surely seen our horses and some of them are skinny, or not that skinny or overweight (For example Vipera always looks like She is pregnant). These reason for that can be old age, or not enough food or that the horse can not absorb the food. 4 of our horses seemed especially skinny recently so we scheduled a ’teeth-rasping-day’ after having consulted the vet.
Tündér Palkó returns home
Everybody remembers that approximately two months ago we said goodbye to our beautiful-eyed Tündér Palkó as his broken-wind required fresh air, right? So we sent him to Mátracserpuszta for some fresh air.
Zsáner, from Hospital to a New Home
ur new horse Zsáner got hurt in an accident about 2 weeks ago, he was delivered to he hospital for being treated, furthermore he needed to put on 100 kgs of extra weight so a new caloryful diet was necessary as well. During these two weeks he has put on some weight and his wounds have been healing well. Therefore his vet decidet to let him leave the hospital. As soon as we heard this great news we got in the car and speeded to the Üllői Huge Animal Clinic.
Our newest horse Zsáner the injured
We received a notification about a horse who had had an accident on a weekday evening, he was said to have hit in the 20th District and needed to be treated. It came to light that a car had turned out irregularly to a road at a stop sign and hit a horse carriage, which was travelling regularly, consequently, the carriage fell over. The horse in front of the carriage was hurt in the accident. The owner of the horse wanted to take him to a slaughterhouse but thanks to the police men at the scene it didn’t happen because they insisted to have a vet called who would decide weather the horse is far gone or there is hope for recovery.
Tündér Palkó left, Amálka came instead of him –this is how the horse rescue group makes a swap
The ones who read our webpage regurarly, or come and help us know that one of our horses, Tündér Palko is fighting against roaring a long time ago. Unfortunately this disease can not be cured.
Tündér Palkó has to go to a Sanatorium
Palika – his real name is Tündér Palkó– has been with us for quite a long time. He is a very good-natured horse with a very special pony like apparance.
Körmölés és Lódoktori vizit 3. felvonás
Szerdán lovaink átestek az aktuális körmölésen. Nagyon vártuk már, hiszen új lovunknak, Carmennek ez volt az első Noés körmölése. Nem tudtuk, hogy hogyan fogja viselni, ha a fájós lábát fel kell emelnie, ezért a körmölésen részt vett Dr. Kerekes Zoltán, Carmen kezelőorvosa.
Hoof trimming and equine vet’s visit, part III.
This Wednesday our horses received their usual hoof trimming. This event was most anticipated since this was Carmen’s first hoof trimming at Noé. We had no idea whether lifting her painful leg would cause any problem for her, so we considered it a good idea that dr. Zoltán Kerekes take part in her hoof care.
Saturday heat wave vs horse girls
Many people asked that what we do in such a hot weather. What do we do to weather this big heat in Noé? Well I try to explain it, how we - horse rider girls - do it.
The Noe herd in Heaven has expanded. Fare well Picinyem!
The animal shelter residents woke up to tragedy on Monday morning. One of our horses, Telivér (the original name was Picinyem) lay helplessy on the ground, caught between the fence and the poles.
Equine vet’s visit, part II – Carmen
Rozvita is gone
The ’horse doctor’s visit
Trouble never comes alone. Unfortunately some of our horses needed to be examined in the last few days.
Of course TESCO, our not-at-all-thrifty pony was among them again. Everybody who has followed with attention the work of our Horse Saving Project knows that our little pony was in serious condition twice last year. We were worried for that poor little thing for weeks, even for months. He is a real ’vet horse’ everything that can happen to a pony happened to him. And all of these, especially if these happen to a pony cost lots of money. Tesco’s balance for the previous year is over a million forint.
The vet also examined Carmen, the new gir and Topaz, one of our horses from Érd.
Carmen, our new horse
A new horse has arrived to the Horse Rescue Project of Noé Animal Shelter. Carmen is a 5 year-old grey mare with Shagya Arabian lineage. Her owner gave her to the Animal Shelter because in February this year as a result of an unfortunate fall the horse’s right knee broke.
Why is hoof trimming important for horses?
Ideally, horses need a trim every 6 (or at most 8) weeks.. Each horse is different and their hooves grow at different speeds (just like your fingernails or hair may grow faster than your best friends’), and even the seasons may affect how fast a horse’s hoof grows.
Új koordinátora lett a lómentésnek
Akik szeretik a lovakat és figyelemmel kísérik ménesünk hétköznapjait és a velük kapcsolatos híreket, talán feltűnt nekik, hogy egy fiatal törékeny lány nagyon sokat mozgolódik lovaink körül. Nem tagadjuk, hogy bár mindannyian imádjuk a lovakat, de közülünk csak néhány önkéntesnek van lovas tapasztalata. Ezért is nagy öröm, hogy egy olyan önkéntes segíti munkánkat, aki ízig, vérig vérbeli lovas. És bár természetesen imádja a többi állatot is, sőt ő is a nehéz, meg nem értettekre specializálódott, azért a féltő és hozzáértő tekintete elsősorban a lovakon van.
Tesco, a mi kis pónink újra itthon!
Mint arról egy korábbi cikkünkben beszámoltunk, Tesco rejtetthere-műtéte nem zajlott komplikációmentesen, sajnos az operáció után pár nappal súlyos hashártyagyulladással kellett visszaszállítanunk őt a Klinikára, ahol azonnali, életmentő műtéten esett át.
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