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Dog rescue action in Dabas
26 March 2010 the Local Veterinary Inspector of Dabas called our shelter, asking for help concerning ca. 30-40 dogs that were kept under horrible circumstances, without any food or water. The dogs were confiscated by the police, their housing and veterinary treatment is now taken care of by the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter. The location of the owner of the plot on which the animals were kept is unkown. He had violated the animal welfare act several times during the previous years. He is charged with cruelty to animals and is prohibited from all forms of animal keeping in the area of Dabas town.

Neglected pets
When we hear a report about abandoned and tortured animals, the main character of the story is usually a dog or a cat. It is, however, a mistake to believe that only these pets suffer from human neglect and roam aimlessly on the streets. Other small animals, ferrets, hamsters or guinea pigs are also thrown out from time to time, and their chance to survive is even smaller than that of dogs and cats.

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We would like to draw your attention to a new way to support us!
You can help by clicking and using a Google-based searching site, as well as by making this site: your home page. This does not cost a penny, all you have to do is to click! Set as your starting page and help us by visiting the website!

Forbidden animal fight in the 17th district
On 1st March 2010 the 17th District Police Station’s Criminal Office turned to us, requesting help in accommodating 3 confiscated fighting dogs.

Life on three legs
The most important policy of our animal shelter which we emphasized many times and on many occasions: all animals have a right to life, be it blind, old or just unpretty. As we do not put crippled animals to sleep, there is a good number of three-legged, blind or deaf dogs and cats under our care.

The court has suspended the punishment of the animal tormentor!
The Court of Appeal has suspended the punishment of the 16-year-old Irish Setter’s tormentor for two years!

Noah's Ark Animal Shelter Bulldog Rescue Project – Annual Report, 2009

Our bulldog rescue project has been rescuing French and English Bulldogs for a year now, and during this time it has become clear that there is a great need for such a project. A large number of dogs were waiting to be rescued, were found or given to us, but with the help of our enthusiastic volunteers most of them found a new, loving home and family.

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