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When love for animals and intent to help goes beyond the individual……

This story has two threads – the first began when we received a call from a civilian from Pécel about lots of dogs living locked up in a house. No one could give us the exact number of dogs, the only thing that was obvious that they were many and barking...

Jenga who really wants to live
I cannot decide whether it is Fortune or misfortune that stands next to Jenga. He was found in the nineteenth district almost dry and frozen. He was skinny and between death and life.
she was given infusion immediately and we hoped not to be late. We were not late…. The state of Jenga became better and I believed – how naive I was – that this was all, no more suffering. But I was wrong.

We drink a toast – or the old Suly is 18 years old!

One of our veteran at the shelter uncle Szuli has reached the age of 18! He could have celebrated with alcohol but he chose the delicious meat treats instead, which were brought by the volunteer workers.

Pulcsi, the successor of Füstös
Pulcsi, our newest rescue who has a broken back and his struggle to recovery with Mica the cat.

Saci, without prejudices

Those who follow the stories of the dogs arriving to NOE might remember Sarolta: she arrived in a terrible condition from XVII. district more than a year ago. Her injuries shocked even the experienced vets and keepers, we could not even imagine what could have happened to her: car accident, human violence, or she might have been sprinkled with some kind of acid? Her body was full of serious burns and torn bruises, lacerations.

Dia, something wrong again

ur everyday readers could often meet the name of Dia on this page. Not only because she is one of our oldest inhabitant as she is since 2004 with us, but we also had to report about her desease many times. And now I had to pick up my pen again, because somethings wrong again. In the meantiem Dia is fine, cheerful and kind as always. The dark side of the situation remains for us.

Riksa, the director of the farmyard

If the visitors of Noe are looking around the farmyard, they could easily notice the enthusiastic German shepherd, Riksa.
Maybe you can’t see her for the first time, but you can definitely hear her, because he is the director of the farmyard with his mate and friend, Füstös. This means that she is herding pigs to the left… and in the following moment goats to the right.
And when we finally notice the director, we can realize that something’s wrong with poor Riksa, namely that she is pulling her legs behind herself.

It happened a year ago … and now we remember the red sludge disaster, a little bit differently

The red sludge engulfed Hungary a year ago. Yes, I did write Hungary on purpose since the tragedy hit the whole country, although not in its physical sense but still, it covered the lives of humans and animals, their hearts and souls.

More than will-with the help of acupuncture

We think everybody knows Füstös. Everybody thinks he is a wonderdog. This is partly true because we haven’t met a dog like him before. He has a strong will, struggles a lot and he is dedicated. He doesn’t know what does defeating mean. Whether it is about peeing a tree for the first or last time, or if his back legs work or not.

Lajkó Diary 20.6.2011-20.7.2011

The first Lajkó Diary has some good and less good news. But fortunately there are more of the good ones.

Pukli- pepper is small but strong
Pukli is like every other puppy. He was happy with her Mother and brothers. His only job was to eat a lot, play a lot and to grow up to be a a happy dog. Unfortunately every fairytale has to come to an end. His brother's fairytale lasted for 2 months. After this time DEATH followed them. His brother wasn't lucky and He went over the rainbow but Pukli got a way...
This story is about him.

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