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He will heal too!
Rajmund💔 is one of the new protegés of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation, who was found in such a terrible condition between Heves and Tenk.

Megyer update!
This is the unfortunate dog who collapsed in Nógrádmegyer over the weekend. He has terrible wounds on his neck, chest and legs. He is still in hospital of course.

Once again disturbing 🔞➕ images
This young boy puppy collapsed yesterday afternoon in Nógrádmegyer. He has huge, deep, infected, lacerated cuts - probably from bites - on his lower neck, chest and left leg.

He will be beautiful again!
The Stray Hearts Animal Rescue Foundation - Karcag received a call for help for this young dog with a severe skin condition.

Our little Ingrid
Animal lovers found this tiny little dog in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. Dirty, muddy, scared and skinny. 🙁

Sziszó's new life
Over the weekend, we received a request for help from the Football fans for Animals Foundation. They came to a report of a dog in poor condition in the 16th district. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that Siszó needed immediate medical attention...

Another puppy with parvo has been brought into our care, currently in the Juhász Pet Clinic 🙏

This beautiful dog was chained to the railing of the bridge on an abandoned road near Füzesabony. 😡 He was rescued by the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation and from there he was taken into the care of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation.

Horror in the XXII district
We received a desperate call for help from the Budafok Dog Rescue CHIP Team, who found a dog on the street in a terrible condition.

Another animal cruelty case!
Dogs shot in several places have been taken into the care of the Noah's Animal Home! 💔😢😡 This beautiful little girl, barely 1.5 years old, had been lying injured for days between Tiszanána and Sarud.

Where there is Parvo, there is trouble!
We have 6 little bulltype babies, they are the Finest_family. Over the weekend they had diarrhea and somehow they didn't throw themselves at food like they usually do.

Twerk has to make it
This morning we received an extra SOS request for help from the Befogad-lak Animal Welfare Foundation in Törökszentmiklós for a beautiful 8-week-old baby who had an anal prolapse.

Harley asks for help
We'd like to ask for help for our difficult boy, who is now actually a sweet old man ❤️❤️❤️❤️
12 years ago - in 2010 - Harley (formally known as Ramses) was picked up by the police from a dogfighting ring.

Gino is on the road to recovery
For days he lay helpless, two of his hind legs shattered. His body full of air rifle bullets. 💔😪
This sweet cute little boy is standing up on his own and can take a few steps.

Garbó's first surgery
After many hours of plastic surgery on Wednesday, we have had the first bandage change. So far so good 🙏❤️
Look how cute she is with this shaved long giraffe neck.

Update on Garbó's condition
So far, everything seems to be going in the right direction. He will have his first plastic surgery on Wednesday, and we can expect many hours of surgery.

Please help our Lace
She has no hair, her skin is inflamed and sore, she can scratch herself bloody in a second. Her body is covered in flea droppings.

Deer will heal!
He arrived yesterday from Szarvas to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation. He is in a very rough condition 😢 He was brought to the Stray and Lost Dogs Foundation in Szarvas between the 2 holidays.

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