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Another round of heartworm examinations
Another "heartworm day" was yesterday 💔‼️
7 of our puppies underwent a complete cardiological and heartworm check-up at Dr. Péterfia Dalma.

Daily Nikol
Daily Nikol 🙏❤️
There's not much to add to these pictures. This morning I received them from the Csipet Csapat Veterinary Center. 🙏❤️

Alinda's rescue
Our new puppy Alinda, who came from Sükösd with the help of the football fans for Animals Foundation. She is the little spindly black and tan cutie in the pictures.

When will this end?
Komornyik💔😡 He is the newest Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation... He was found in Tenk, he was also rescued by the Füzesabony Animal Protection Foundation.

Dramatic turn
Nikol💔 took a dramatic turn last night. Need a miracle and prayer 😢🙏💔
As you know the original plan was for our miracle worker Dr Boda to operate on her and her broken bones.

Nikol update
Daily Nikol news💔 ‼️She is still alive‼️ can't say she's doing well unfortunately. She is lying down, barely lifts her head, unfortunately she vomited worms today 🥲 but she can drink with help, they were able to feed her a little bit with Recovery feed diluted from a syringe at the Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre.

Minos still smiles to the world!
Minos and his more problematic half... 😢💔 He had to have an emergency surgery again on Sunday 😢
Minos arrived from Szarvas about 2 weeks ago to the care of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation

Cédrus needs a new begining
This is Cédrus 💔 from Heves county.... She is terribly skinny, but thank goodness she seems to be fine! 🙏
Homeless, without shelter, vegetating alone in the mud at the end of a chain. German shepherd - Belgian shepherd mix middle-aged girl.

We had our first "heartworm day" in 2023

We are past the first "heartworm day" of 2023.This time we were able to take 6 Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation protégés to see cardiologist and heartworm specialist Dr Dalma Peterfia.

My smile is pretty 😀 I'm a beautiful‼️ And together with my new chubby little nose, I wish all my Angels who support me a HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥂

TADA, The nose guard is off!!!
TADA, The nose guard is off 🙏❤️
He is now recovering in the infirmary of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation. We love thISlittle dachshund's body and sweet, sweet soul 🥰

Luca is home
Advent has begun, a time of waiting, a time of wonder. 🎄💫❤️ we hope that after this difficult year, the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation will not be spared by the NOAH'S MIRACLES 🙏❤️

Lábas needs our help!
Last night, Lábas arrived at the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation from Sarud. He is in the Csipet Csapat Veterinary Centre, undergoing a medical evaluation and examination.

Töpi needs your help!
Töpi is not just a Puli, not just one of the many black haired dogs. Mr. Töpi is a real (national) treasure 🥰

Nagy Sándor's ear had to be operated!
Sanyika had a so-called othematoma on his ear, which was causing his earlobe to swell up and hurt a lot. This problem is usually caused by mechanical effects, such as very strong shaking of the ears.

Csupaszáj update
We have crazy good news‼️ Csupaszáj has a nose again‼️❤️🙏
He's the sweet little dachshund boy who came into the care of Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation last week with a probable bitten off nose.

We can't calm down
We can't calm down. The news is that he and his little buddies have been on the streets for months. Csupaszáj was already seriously injured in the summer... 😢💔

Harmat is in trouble again!
She is the wonderful Rottweiler girl who came to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation from the city pound of Miskolc with a huge tumour more than 1 year ago.

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