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Kapocs is still waiting for the One!
2013.07.12. Kapocs has been with us for almost two whole years! And this is simply impossible to understand because this you beauty has a marvelous nature. He just loves other dogs and kids. Though it is also hard to deny that Kapocs has an excellent life with his foster owners, still, he is really longing for a real family of her own... Blindness cannot be a problem :)
2012.07.21. Most of the times the dog's blindness goes unnoticed. Why is that? Because the dog has eyes the owner's eyes who see for them, love them and guide them. We are very happy that one of our blind dog Istók was rehomed. We are very happy for Istók and lets find the other blind dogs a new home! Nightmare coming alive – Canine Distemper
2012.07.02. Nowadays life goes on in its normal path in Noe, we fight our daily battles and see everyday miracles and joys, we smile and cry as we always did and do. But behind the scenes some of the darkest days in Noe’s history have passed in these last couple of months. A nightmare came alive: distemper broke out among our adult, and even among the vaccinated dogs. My life with a boar...
2012.05.18. What is it like to live with a boar? Normally people do not think about that possibility because it is a highly unlikely to happen but unfortunately I have experience in that field so I thought I would share it everyone. A miracle coming true, or the true story of Füstös, the sealdog’s luck
2012.04.19. Ez a tündérmese tavaly májusban kezdődött. És alig egy év alatt egy év alatt egy béna, de hatalmas szívvel, lélekkel és akaraterővel rendelkező kiskutya megmutatta mindannyiunknak, hogy semmi sem lehetetlen, hogy igenis vannak csodák. De ezért tenni kell, küzdeni kell, nem létezik a könnyebbik út és soha nem szabad feladni. Füstös aki tavaly májusban fókaként, bénán kúszott mászott az út szélén egy árokban, alig egy év alatt puccos, báránybőrön alvós, négy lábon szaladgálós, urizáló gazdis kutya lett. Crowley's letter to adoption candidates
2012.04.13. Because you like bull terriers, so I just thought I say hello . Because I'm a mix of it, among other things, just an upgraded version, perfected with some Jack Russell blood. From this, I have a wonderful shaped head, well hard, in every sense, patchy fur, spring in my butt and bigger ears than Dumbo.
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