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New Gyárfás news with a MIRACLE!

The little guy has thought he had enough sitting on his fanny and stood up! He doesn’t care that one of his side and ankle is broken and his other side was operated on and lost 2 of his toes. He wants to heal and walk!

Another broken boned dog, Ulrik!

Another broken boned dog on the operating table.
Totó – pelvis, hip, spine and thigh bone, Blueberry – head injury, front leg broken in multiple places, Gyárfás – pelvis, hip, spine, thigh bone, ankle broken, 2 toes amputated and soft tissue injuries. These injured dogs came to our shelter in the last month and now we have another one, Ulrik.

Gyárfás News!

Gyárfás News!

Our little broken boned sweetheart had his first surgery. Our miracle worker Dr. Boda started to put the “bone puzzle” pieces together. As we told you Gyárfás was ran over by a car and practically from waist down every bone in his body broke and even the soft tissues were damaged. He was flyblown and the maggots were eating his flesh. Incredible anguish for this little guy but Gyárfás wants to LIVE!

Gyárfás - ran over and broken

There is big trouble – WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Ran over, broken, eaten by worms but he wants to live - LOOK INTO HIS EYES AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND!
Gyárfás was ran over in the Hajdúság about 180km from Budapest. Totally broken, with huge pains and probably being scared, helpless, unable to move. A lot of people have tried to call help for him but nobody helped.

Hacsek and Sajó the two pharmaceutical research fugitives!

Hacsek and his little brother Sajó came to our shelter together. These tiny piglets were part of a human pharmaceutical research. The routine protocol is that these animals will be put down after the research is done.

Blueberry news!

Fresh news from Blueberry who was injured on his head and broke his leg.
Blueberry was run over by a car in Pétervásár, he sustained a head injury and a his right front leg. Our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda as fixed his broken leg, The surgery went well and now he has bed rest and he is getting pain medication.

Blueberry's tragedy

Another injured dog and in need of surgery is in our care. Blueberry came from Füzesabony Animal Protection Foundation. Poor dog has been wandering around in Pétervásár for weeks but then she was still ok. The workers of the foundation were desperately trying to find someone who could take him in from the streets because the tragedy could be guaranteed. It happened and Blueberry was hit by a car. He has a serious head injury and one of his legs is broken.

Elektra, a victim of neglect!

Elektra suffers a serious case of demodicosis, which is a mite infection on the skin. The disease was not treated early on so her whole body is inflamed and has wounds. This sickness is not uncommon. Most of the time there is a reason for it like allergic reaction on the skin (to fleas or food) or the weakening of the immun system because of another disease.

Porcelán Lili's fight with illnesses

A teeny tiny dog in big trouble.
Porcelan Lili (Porcelain in English) got this name on purpose. She is a small and fragile chivava who is very sick. She has more serious illnesses. We are waiting for the last results.


Sárospatak – it is saddening that this wonderful township’s name has welded together with one of the biggest problems in Hungary namely with animal cruelty.
At the dog shelter in Sárosparatak there are about 500 dogs who live their life in sickness, because of the fights between each other they live in stress and in danger.

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