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Sál, a dog with a cut throat

The call for help came from the Civil állatvédők in Dunaharaszti for a dog with serious wounds. He has deep cuts around his neck. We all knew what this means because we have seen it often enough.

White’s second immiticide injection

It is surprising but 1 month has passed since White had her first heart worm treatment. Today and tomorrow she will have his two most difficult days because in 48 hours she will get 2 Immiticide injection which has arsenic in them. She is lying on the operating table because she will get the injection in anesthesia.

Budoár news!

A lot of you were asking about little Budoár and we thank you for the concern. We can inform you of a positive change now. her eyes are shining, she is showing interest in the world around her and take a look at her! Her skin is looking much better.

Tücske had a check up at the Clinic!

Tücske baby has visited our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda and had a check up at the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ. According to the lates xray his legs are healing nicely. If everything goes well in the future then this bandage will be the last one.

Csattanás is standing!!

2 weeks after a car ran over her braking her everything in her lower back and 1 week after our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda operated on her right side Csattanás is standing! Moreover she can take a few steps! She is only using her right side which was operated but it is great news. She is fighter and she wants to be loved a lot and if not then she is not shy about complaining loudly.

Tücske, our excavator

Tücske baby is on his feet as well but his movements rather resembles a botched walking excavtor. A car ran over him and both of his forelegs broke all together in 7 places.

Tejbegríz’s last surgery!

Do you recognize this beautiful princess?

Yes, she is Tejbegríz. Her wounds have healed and she is no longer in heat so with every obstacle gone she had her last surgery. She was neutered and her useless leg was amputated.

The horror continues with Budoár!

Budoár’s whole body, eyes, ears are leaking purulence and her skin is red and very inflammed.
She was found in Törökszentmiklós. There are no words… We thought that after Hair, Ignác and Piri we saw it all. Unfortunately we didn’t. The condition of Budoár surpasses them all…

Csattanás had her first surgery!

Our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda fixed one side of the broken hip of Csattanás with a metal plate. With the other side’s surgery the vet decided to wait because an operation now would be more risk then it is worth. The risks are big for nerv damage or other complications.

Laguna, the light at the end of tunnel!

When we talked about White’s treatment then Laguna’s name often came up. Our beautiful dog had his 3rd immiticide treatment and he is counting the days when he can leave his confinement to quarters.

The broken boned department of Noah animal home checks in!

Mozaik and Tücske are still in the Clinic of Dr. Boda getting treatment. Mozaik’s broken leg needs to be checked every day, has to be rebandaged everday and has to get medication everyday against infection.

White had his first immiticide treatment

White is at home with us in the animal home. He is a bit groggy from anesthesia but he is already waging his tail and doing good

White and his first dirofilaria immitis treatment

Dirofilaria immitis is not an urban legend or that it only happens in far away exotic places. It is here in Hungary and it is making dogs sick. Treatment is risky, painful and expensive. Prevention is the only way to go! Protect your dog!

Tücske's ordeal!

When yesterday morning our miracle worker vet called us and sad that „the car ran over the dog” then we knew that means big problems...

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