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We are looking for sunflower oil sponsors!
Many of you know our horse Carmen, after she survived a severe colic a few weeks ago. Her elderly body was very badly affected by the illness, she was already in poor condition, but it all came at a very bad time before winter, when we started the cold with her heartbreakingly thin.

Tobzoska, our newest challange
Tobzoska 💔 came to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Protection Foundation, with a brutal skin disease. He lived in poor conditions in a segregated area in Mezőszemere.

The Megyaszó family
New family in the care of the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation from Megyaszó 🥰
The sweet mummy asked for and got admission to a house, so that she wouldn't give birth to her babies on the street on Christmas Eve

Pereg is recovering well
Our dog Pereg came into the care of the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation as a found dog less than 1 month ago. His real owner has not been found, although we have received information about his previous life...

Korall news!
Although at first we thought it was a head oedema caused by a chain or string, the vet's examination revealed that he had purulent oedema.

Ákombákom family
We're bound to get our hearts broken for good one day 💔
How old do you think the dog in the picture is?...

It is the 1 year of the Going with you Programme!
It is the 1 year of the Going with you Programme! 🥰 The Invisible Leash Method & Programme - Dömötör Júlia's professional page on her project for shelter dogs 🩵

There is something wrong with Fater!

Something is very wrong with Fater 😥
He has been sick for 1 month, bloody diarrhea/sputum. He has been through a long course of tests...

Pumpkin news
Pumpkin couldn't get on his feet yesterday... But we know it's like that... a roller coaster.

No more hunger and fear for Marshmallow

Marshmallow 💔 the sweetheart, she has arrived at the Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre. She lost all of her babies that were born yesterday, all of them died...

Pumpkin need help!

This tiny boy was rushed to the Csipet Csapat Veterinary Center yesterday. He arrived in an unconscious state with a long-standing seizure.

Angelin is on the road to recovery....
Angelin had her 1-month check-up today after the major orthopedic cruciate ligament surgery (TPLO) at Dr Boda.

LILLA is 12 years old...and all she wants is a FAMILY...will she get one?
Lilla came to our MiniShelter special project from the Ózd city pound in 2016.
She is an easy learner, although nowadays she prefers a soft sofa and warm words. Not necessarily aware of her physical size, she likes to pretend she is a lapdog, trying to demand attention at all costs.

We would like to see him play on 4 legs
He is the doggy who somehow got injured days ago and instead of a vet, his owner simply tied him up.
His right front leg was almost destroyed. 😭 The entire upper part of his foot, soft tissue, tendon and finger bones are missing.

The dog of the week: Binga
Binga ❤ is a 4 years old, Malinois type, playful, active girl who needs a lot of exercise. Binga needs a sporty and dog-loving owner who has a lot of time, because Binga loves to go for walks and hikes. 🐕🌳

Another tortured soul at the end of a chain. A young, sweet, lovely dog, who despite all this, has complete trust and love for humans... how long will we continue to abuse and torture these wonderful creatures? 🤷‍♀️😡😢

The dog of the day: Scotti

Scotti is a large mixed-breed male born in September 2017, who came to us from the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation. Scotti's story is also full of sadness, he was taken home as a puppy, but now he wasn't needed anymore because he has grown up. The 10-month-old boy was tied to an iron pole without a kennel. Scotti has been living with us for many years and unfortunately he has never been lucky, he has never had a single visitor. Never :(

Angi had her surgery
Dear Angels❣️ It's amazing to receive so many messages of love for #Angelin. 🙏🩷
Our little miracle is out of ligament surgery. She was completely safe in the hands of our miracle worker dr Boda. Thankfully all went well.

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