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Sole has dirofilaria immitis!

Sole came from the city pound in Edelény early July. His injured paw was not treated and it became infected. You could see the bones, the thews and the nerves have been damaged. We thought that was the worst of his problems…

Update on Wonder’s condition!

He came to our animal home in the begining of June from the city pound of Pápa. He had a bleeding abscess/tumor next to his anus. His treatment has started and it was time to give you an update on his condition.

Sole and his recovery!

Look, how much his foot has healed in a couple of days! Of course it still doesn’t look pretty and sorry for the graphic pictures but a lot of people have asked about him so we thought we show it to you.

Another family rescued!

Tisza family and 4 newborn puppies.
They were found in Szolnok and the mother dog has no chip and has no owner. She is very young and it is most likely she became pregnant in her first heat.

Pikkely has a cast!

Baby Pikkely who had a terrible skin desease and a crooked leg now his only problem is the crooked leg. As you can see on the pictures his skin problem is gone...

One of the Tavaszka puppies first trial!

Please, keep your fingers crossed for the Tavaszka family’s smallest little girl. She is not well, she is not eating so we took her to the vet. She is getting infusion and treatment and they will try to do everything for her.

Betmenke, the hairy little fellow!

Do you recognize me? It’s me Betmenke.
Hard to believe it, isn’t it? I have arrived at the Noah’s animal home 3 weeks ago without fur, I was stinking and sick. Due to the treatment and the lots of love I am healing, getting better and growing.

Gurtnika had an emergency operation and she is not doing well.

Gurtnika has diabetes. She has been staying int he hospital for 2 weeks and her blood sugar still isn’t normalized because sometimes the numbers jump around and other times she doesn’t want to eat. Yesterday she had an ultrasound and the vet has seen very bad looking deformities on her uterus and overy and it was decided that even though her bad condition she has to have an emergency operation.

Gurtnika needs a FOSTER HOME!

She came into our care a couple of days ago in terrible condition. She was left behind when the owner sold his house and left her in the garden for the new owner. The new owner couldn’t take care of her and they asked for our help.We took her immediately to the Délpest Animal Center and Clinic where she was examined and it turns out that Gurtnika is diabetic.

We will cure Betmenke too!

Look at this cutiepie little dog!!!!

He hardly has any fur, his skin is imflammed and his eyes are runny. He was found in this state in Karcag. He is hardly 6 weeks old and already very sick.

Gurtnika, the dog that was left behind

A Veterinary clinic has called us asking for help for Gurtnika. He was left behind when his owners sold the house. The new house owners didn’t want a dog but they didn’t want to abandon the aging dog. Unfortunately Gurtnika’s health started to decline...

The transformation of Mr. Oli

As you know Oli had a huge tumor and our miracle worker vet dr. Boda had to remove his penis and lots of other stuff from his stomach. Even though his tumor is malignant we are trying to give him a chance for a future. Our ever happy Mr. Oli became Miss Oli or rather Olivia...

Another family in need!

Tavaszka family consists of a mother dog and 8 of her puppies. The mother gave birth in the gutter in Mezőszemere. The people in the village saw her a couple of times but nobody wanted her so she took shelter in the gutter.

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