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Borsó is fighting for her life!
When I first saw Borsó and her please help post I knew that we had to help and quickly. After organizing the transport our Ernő went to Abony to pick her up. She was brought to the Juhász Small Animal Clinic where her treatment started right away.

Csutka will never walk again
Csutka came into our care over the holidays. He was in a bad condition and we weren't sure if he would survive the first couple of days. Thanks to the staff of the Juhász Animal Clinic his condition improved and now he in our animal home in our hospital ward.

Meet the Fehér Family!
Our newest dog family is called Fehér Family. They are hardly 6 weeks old. They came from the pound in Ujfehértó. We don't know how they ended up on death row but we are guessing that they are another unwanted litter that was thrown out like garbage.

The case of the oil-drum and Fuksz
Fuksz was living his life chained to an oil-drum. He was skin and bones plus the chain grew into his neck. The Animal Rescue Foundation in Füzesabony rescued him from his owner and they asked for our help.

Ivanhoe news!
Little Ivanhoe has had his first implant adjustment. Our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda was satisfied with his recovery so far but he has a long road ahead of to complete recovery.

Ivanhoe and his surgery!
Ivanhoe and Jelena came from a puppy farm. Both of them had problems with one of their back legs. Jelena's leg has responded well to the physiotherapy but Ivanhoe's leg had to be operated on.

Another broken Dachshund Motyó
A Vet Clinic called us and asked for our help. Some people came in who found a dog which was ran over. He had a chip and his owner was found but after a couple of days they gave him up and asked the vet to euthanize the dog.

Our newest challange - Dorkó
In Heves County a paralyzed young dog was found. The Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony asked for our help. On the morning of 16th of November he arrived and he has spine injury and we all know that with this kind of injury every minute counts.

Another heart worm surgery!
It is a difficult day for us. Two of our Pugs had to have a very dangerous catheter surgery so the grown heart worms could be removed from around their hearts.

The family is back together!
The puppies of the skin and bones Panama the Vizsla mother dog have been found. Her saviours went back to the ghost house where the she was found. They were not at the house in the horrible condition but they were not far in the woods.

Our heart breaks for Ezredes!
Ezredes, our heart breaks for him. It feels like that we experience a brutal case every day.
We have received a call one night about a dog who lives on a farm without food, water or shelter. He is very skinny and has a chain around his neck which at one point became too small and it grew into his neck.

Our newest broken dog, Szotyka!
Our newest protegé Szotyka came from the Érted Ugatok Animal Rescue Association. He is not even 1 year old and who knows what terrible things he had to go through already.

(Csonka) Bandi and ordeal!
He was in grave danger even though he had an owner!
An owner who didn't take him to a vet when he became sick instead he decided to take care of the problem with antifreeze.

Pillér news!
Another day and another broken dog!
Pillér's hip bone is broken on both of her sides. Her femur is also broken and 2 or 3 toes have to be amputated. The good news is that it look like she has no internal damage.

Hope for Ász!
A call came from the Animal Rescue Foundation in Füzesabony about a dog in a village called Szomolya. Ász is a sweet young female dog who lived in terrible condition...

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