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Hello and her crooked leg
Hello is a lovely about 1 year old little dog who came into our care from the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony. They have tried to catch her for 2 weeks near Mezőkövesd. They could see that something was very wrong with one of her front legs.

Bariton and his new chance for life!
A torn tail, a torn ear, a swollen head and a bleeding throat... another dog in need of help...

The Second Chance Animal Protection Foundation has asked for our help. As soon as we saw the pictures we couldn't say no. He arrived in our Animal Home the same night and we took him immediately to our vet.

We are fighting for Gyutacs!
Gyutacs came from the Humane Animal Protection Association in Pápa. He is very thin and has a serious skin disease. His body is paper thin and his skin is inflammed and full of bleeding wounds.

The suffering of Merőkanál
This innocent little baby has been through a lot in her short life. Merőkanál came from the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony and she had a broken leg.

Another family in our care!
Last week we wanted to save 3 dogs from the city pound of Hajdúhadháza. A half blind black male, a blond miniture golden retriever female and a pregnant female dog. We were excited about their arrival on friday when we have received a call on friday morning...

Odd news about Gúnya!
This small 13 year old dog came to us 10 days ago. He stank, his full was stuck together on him like an armor and underneath of it his skin was rotting. He was full of fleas and worms.

Gúnya and his sad eyes!
His name is Gúnya and he was found in a village called Tállya. He is in a horrible condition and the pictures speak for themselves. His small body was full of fleas and they sucked him dry.

Bőrke went for a check up!
Bőrke went to have a check up at the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic. Dr. Gabriella Rózsa examined her and her condition is getting better althoug her skin is still in bad shape.

Our newest cutie Galina!
This little old cutie whose name is Galina was found near Ózd. As soon as we saw her she charmed us. ❤️ Her fragile frame, her filmy but friendly eyes, her bad teeth, her foul breath and her good nature is irresistable.

Our bald little girl Bőrke

We have another bald girl in our care. No, she is not the bald kind of breed she is in this condition because her owner didn't take her to the vet.

Merlot is healing and has fur again!
Merlot came into our care about one month ago in a horrible condition. Remember he was given up by his owner in this condition...

Medál and her chains
We can't comprehend that why was this 8 kg heavy Pekinese mix female dog had a tight chain in her neck which grew into her neck. She has asked for help in the 18 district in a flower shop.

Baby Alfonz
We have seen his picture in a post where people asked for help for this 3 months old dog. He was wondering at the outskirts of Arló at a time when we had lot of storms in the area.

Our beautiful little Akác!
This hardly 10 weeks old puppy has been through a lot in her short life. The Füzesabonyi Állatvédő Foundation has asked for our help. She has huge and deep wound on her neck which was not fresh and it became infected.

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