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Here we go again...
Another dog with a bale string grown into his neck. He is hardly 4-5 months old but he has been through hell. He was found in a village called Lyukóvölgy and taken to the city pound of Miskolc. His neck stank and it was pus-filled. We don't understand. We keep telling people: You don't have to keep an animal!

Our hairy little Pertli
We have received a call for help on the weekend. A dog in Rudabánya was wondering around for a while with a hay wire or a metal chain around his neck which must have been there for a while because it was grown into his neck.

Galagonya is out of the hospital!
Galagonya ❤️ came out of the hospital and now recuparating in our animal home's hospital ward. Slowly but surely she is making progress.

The ups and downs of Galagonya
We are making headway slowly. Two steps forward then one step back. The vets and us have been fighting for him for 2 weeks. The neurological symptoms seem to be gone but she still doesn't want to communicate with us.

Kripton and his 2 broken leg
The Vahur Animal Protection Association in Ajka has asked for our help. Kripton was found at the Szajki lake by wanderers. They saw that he had bandages around his legs. They didn't let him wonder around alone an they took him a vet where he was examined.

Gödi Fay went for an ultrasound
One of the Corgie girl who came from the puppy farm in Göd had to have a heart ultrasound because her heart worm quick test came back positive. Almost all of the 80 rescued dogs from this puppy farm have the same problem

Little Emese
This black little beauty was brought to a Vet's Clinic in the 21st district in Budapest. She was ran over by a car and 2 of her legs broke and one has severly damaged.

Galagonya update!
After our first hopeful news that Galagonya was getting better we had a setback. We almost lost her on Monday but thanks to a quick medical intervention she is still alive.

Galagonya quick news!
We have seen a Facebook post about a dog in Törökszentmiklós who was found in a ditch. She could hardly stand, could only wobble and had epileptic seizure. The Special Animal Rescue Unit wrote that they are on their way picking her up the only question is would we take her...

Pepsi update!
PEPSI 💔 came into our care in September with a broken spine. The test revealed that his injury was so severe that he will never walk again on his 4 legs. We looked for a Foster family for him but we didn't find one. We had to move on and our miracle worker Dr. Boda has operated on him.

Fare well Csip!
Csip was smart, beautiful and perfect.
Since yesterday he is only a memory.

Pepsi's spine broke 😢 he is paralyzed 😢 and he really, really needs a foster family 🙏
We have received a call on sunday from the Animal Rescue Group in Kisújszállás. A black dog has been ran over and the dog fled into the gutter.

Ludvig :(
In the last couple of days we have been flooded with seriously injured dogs. The latest is Ludvig who was found near Ludányhalászi laying in the bushes. He had fever and a he was in a lot of pain. He had a huge and infected wound around his neck.

Pierrot was stabbed with a pitchfork
Pierrot's eye was injured with a pitchfork...
Yes, you are reading it correctly with a pitchfork. We have received information about him in the afternoon and we immediately started to organize his transfer to us.

Wilbur's accident
If you run an animal home that has about 1200 animals to care for on a daily basis then you have health issues with old protegés and not just with the new ones. One of our protegés Wilbur who came into our care first in 2009.

Hello and her crooked leg
Hello is a lovely about 1 year old little dog who came into our care from the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony. They have tried to catch her for 2 weeks near Mezőkövesd. They could see that something was very wrong with one of her front legs.

Bariton and his new chance for life!
A torn tail, a torn ear, a swollen head and a bleeding throat... another dog in need of help...

The Second Chance Animal Protection Foundation has asked for our help. As soon as we saw the pictures we couldn't say no. He arrived in our Animal Home the same night and we took him immediately to our vet.

We are fighting for Gyutacs!
Gyutacs came from the Humane Animal Protection Association in Pápa. He is very thin and has a serious skin disease. His body is paper thin and his skin is inflammed and full of bleeding wounds.

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