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Fregoli, another dog who was ran over
Fregoli came to us on the weekend from Füzesabony. He was ran over by a car and was left to die in the pouring rain.

Hero lost one of his leg
Hero who was ran over on the M3 highway has lost one of his leg. It had to be amputated. His other wounds have started to heal and her liver numbers have normalised.

Quick update on Csésze's condition!
We were very worried because we spent the afternoon at the Vetscan Kisállat Diagnosztika waiting room. The scan has lasted forever but the little girl was made of iron (well not her head) and took it like a champ.

Puszedli came from a small village called Ricse in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. His fur is in horrible condition and the pictures can't give back the full extent of it. She also had "something" hanging between her legs. It turns out she has a chip in her and she is almost 10 years old.

Hero was ran over
Hero was ran over on the M3 highway. The Police has asked for the help of the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony and they called us. The highway patrol caught him and the road maintenance has transported him to safety.

Baby Csésze and his head injury
We have no idea is what is going on but sick and hurt animals are pouring in. Our newest one is baby Csésze who is very hurt. The Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony has asked for our help.

Szonja was operated on!
Little Szonja and her broken hip bone has been screwed together by our miracle worker vet Dr. Boda. She woke well but for now she sore and has some pain.

Little Sonja and her broken bones
Our newest young protegé is Sonja. We have received a call from Dr. Niki Sándor a vet in Bátonyterenye whom we know because she helps a lot of stray animals.

Blöff is waiting for a Christmas miracle!
My name is Blöff and I have been waiting for you for a long time. The girls here say that you will come for me and I believe them.

Lucy Sziráki and her cool glasses :)
Here is a snapshot from Lucy Sziráki's life at the Délppesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic.
Her wounds and her operated leg is being treated with laser therapy every day.

Our ever growing family!
This year we had a rough and sad start. A few families that came into our care had the parvo disease. We know it is in the cards but it was hard to live through it. We have lost a few babies along the way and we realized that we had to make a decision...

Lucy Sziráki and her shocking story
Lucy Sziráki, she was ran over by a car, mauled by a dog and she lay in her own blood for days in the cold weather...

Galagonya and her growing fur!
Galagonya is a sweet, funny dog who likes to play and she is hungry all the time. These are things that we didn't know about her a couple of weeks ago.

Lábibi is back at the animal home!
Lábibi is continuing her recovery at the animal home. We have to take her bact to the vet every two days for treatment. Her wounds are healing but she is not out of the woods yet.

Sárga/Castro, our old protegé and his troubles
We have been worrying all day long because our old protegé Sárga (Castro) went under the knife today. Sárga whom we call Castro at the home has been with us for 3,5 years. The authorities took him from his owner because he was kept under horrible condition. It even showed on his mistrustful behaviour that he didn't receive too much good in his life.

Lunita and her ostrich size bladder stone...
Not so long ago we have received a call through the Illatos út city pound in Budapest from the 16th district Mayor's office that one of our protegé's (Lunita's) owner has died. There are no heirs so Lunita came back to us. Fortunately one of our collegaues decided to foster her and she took her home.

Lábibi and her injured toes
Our newest prtegé is Lábibi who has a couple of serious injuries. The Szurkolók az állatkínzás ellen group has received a call from Salgótarján and they didn't hesitate and went to pick her up on the same day.

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