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Csészi is looking for a family!
It has been a long time since we have updated you on Csészi's condition. The reason for that is that not only she had a broken skull but she came down with the dreaded parvo disease.

LIdérc needs surgery asap!
Her name is Lidérc and she was kept on short chain. She also had a femoral hernia on both sides and not to mention she has heart worms as well.
She came from the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony. She had an owner who kept her on such a short chain that she could hardly move.

Zsolesz will have fur again!
Zolesz' condition looks just as bad in person as on the blurred picture. He came from a village called Alsózsolca from a badly kept dog colony. Some of his young buddies have died and the others are all sick.

Pitypang and her bump
Pityping came into our care with her puppy a couple of weeks ago. She has the kind of Dachshund attitude that loves only 1 person and everybody else has to keep away. About 10 days ago we noticed that she has a walnut size bump on her back. We immediately took her to our vet where a sample was taken from it and was sent for analysis...

Crash and his broken tibia
We have given him the name Crash. He was wondering around road 31 with a broken leg. He is hardly 1 year old and his teeth are worn down. He was dehydrated, very thin and his thibia is broken.

Update on Depp's and Nancy's condition!
Depp the broken legged Cocker Spaniel mix and Nancy the bull mix girl with the vaginal prolapse are doing good. They are healing nicely so they could both come home to our animal home and continue their healing in our hospital ward.

Kondó is getting better!
He is doing well. Unfortunately some of his skin died away which was expected and it was removed by our vet. He has big wounds and he is staying at the vet's clinic for observation.

Nancy and her feminine issues
We have received these shocking pictures last weekend from Sopron. The picture is a bit obscure but you can clearly see that this dog need immediate medical attention.

Depp another dog with a broken leg
Depp came from Bátonyterenye. Dr. Niki Sándor has asked for our help. Depp probably has been run over by a car and his right hind leg broke in a couple places.

Lucy Sziráky has to have another operation
If you remember Lucy Sziráki who has been ran over in November, 2119 and Dr. Attila Boda has fought for her health for over a month so she can live a full life. Her shin broke and our vet has put in an implant...

Nyikhaj has tetanus
Nyikhaj came from Füzesabony and as you can see on the pictures he needed help asap. Probably a chain or a wire caused this wound on his neck.

Lábibi news!
Seriously folks, everybody loves this dog and she loves everyone. She smiles a lot and everybody smiles back at her. Her foot that we have been fighting for months is healing nicely.

Saying goodbye to Köntös!
We were hopeful and we really beleived that she will make it... but this time the miracle didn't happen.

Garden, we are looking for his owner!!!
We have received a call around noon that there is a dog that was hit by a car and now he is lying on the ground on the Zrinyi street and Rezgő street corner and he can only lift his head.

Köntös and her troubles
She was found near Isaszeg and she was just lying on the ground in the ice cold weather and she couldn't stand up. Thanks to animal lovers who found her she was able to get the help that she needed. We took her to the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrumba Clinic and our fears were confirmed...

Hungary 2020, welcome to the new year :(
We have received a call that a gentleman have found a dog who was heavily bleeding in a village called Kondó in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. The gentleman has wrapped him in a blanket which probably saved the dog's life and called for help.

Fegoli is on the mend physically
Fregoli ❤️ and her broken femur was fixed by Dr. Tamás Juhász and she had to spend Christmas at the clinic.

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