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Pull for little Ciabatta!
His life has hardly started but he has already been thrown out to the streets and car ran over him. Lots of people just walked by him unconcerned and left him to his own devices.💔😢😡

Sacher and the maggots
Sacher had an owner... he got old and now he is sick, maggots are eating him alive.... and our vets are fighting for his life 😢😡

Kukker is blinking!
Kukker❤️🤞 news! 💪👀He is blinking‼️🙏
His new eyelids are still swollen but he has started to use it and he blinks.

The "big vaccination day"!
Due to the Corona virus our "big vaccination day" has been postponed to June. It is an important day for our farmyard animals. On this day they are vaccinated, dewormed and their hooves are trimmed.

Kukker news!
Kukker had plastic surgery and now she has a new eyelid!
She was found with rotting eyes and with inflammed skin. Her condition was so bad that we were not sure that she was going to make it. Specially her eyes but with the help of our vets in the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum (Dr. Orbán Beáta) and with the eye specialist Dr. Zselyke Szentpéteri were able to save one of her eye.

Her name is Omlett and she was used and abused!
Her name is Omlett and it is hard to find words to describe her condition. She came from Heves County with the help of the Animal Protection Foundation in Füzesabony. She is a Bulldog mix female who was used, abused and then thrown out like trash.

Panna Pöttöm
Her name is Panna Pöttöm :(
The Léleklánc Állatvédő Foundation has asked for our help rescuing an old dog. With their help she has arrived at our animal home and we are lost for words.

Kukker news!
Little Kukker came from the city pound of Budapest called the Illatos út. Her fur was like a shield around her body because of neglect and her eyes were rotting. Underneath the fur her skin was red and full of wounds.

This is how we are closed...
Let's recap yesterday's happening and of course we will go into detail later on. As you know we have closed our doors for visitors due to the Corona virus but...

Tejföl witll be white furred again!
Our newest protegé is Tejföl 💔. This hardly 1 year old dog came from the city pound of Miskolc.

Joining forces always helps
Joining forces always helps but sometimes it comes too late. 😢 A cry for help has reached an animal rescue group. In a small village in Pest county there is a house with a small terrace where someone keeps 20 dogs.

Nyakita and her injured neck!
Nyakita 💔😢 our newest protegé had an emergency surgery! She came into our care last night from Csány. She looks like a pure bred German Shepherd dog who was found with a string grown into her neck.

Good bye George and Dario!
Instead of a sunny open day we had a dark and sad saturday.😪💔🖤

Mogyoró news!
After spending 2 weeks in intensive care unit Mogyoró is not out of the woods. As you remember he was almost cut in half with a sword in 2018 and thankfully he recovered from that.

Souvenir news!
As you know this 3 months old puppy was found in Isaszeg last week. She has an Y brake on her right front leg.

Lédi has to live!
We can't stop... She is Lédi, 14 years old and she was ran over by a car. Animal lovers picked her up from the gutter and took her to Budapest. They had no plan or solution but they wanted to help.

Another broken dog
Another puppy came into our care with broken bones and we gave her the name Souvenir. This beautiful 3 months old girl was found in Isaszeg.

The show must go on...
Last week we took 5 of our protegés to Dr. Dalma Péterfia the heart worm specialist and we have received bad news 😢

Haemobartonellosis, the newest disease
We have two of our protegés that have Haemobartonellosis. Camel who was a stray dog who lived on a dump and Mogyoró who was cut in half with a samurai sword.

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