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Fare well Orca és Pruszlik!
A couple of days ago we have lost Orca and today we have lost Purszlik too.🖤 Two beautiful dogs, sweet, friendly and good souls. They both loved people so much that we are sure they had an owner.

Püspökfalat, our newest sick sweet baby
Püspökfalat was found in Püspökladány on the side of the road. He has anal prolapse and he needed immediate medical attention and of course we couldn't say no.

We can't get used to this!
The owner of these beautiful pair of eyes is Purszlik and we are very worried about her.
She was found in Kál and the Foundation of Animal Protection in Füzesabony has asked for our help. She was found laying on the side of the road in horrible condition.

Szvetter is in good hands now!
We have received a call from the Mancs a Kézben Kutyamentő Foundation in Kiskunhalas that an almost bald dog has been thrown into an old lady's garden and the dog needs help.

Puppy farm eliminated in Karcag!
It has been a shocking day and if I didn't know better I would say that this is a made up story. I actually wish it would be...

Böhöm is in trouble again
Böhöm is in big trouble again! Send prayers and keep your fingers crossed for him!
This giant teddy bear who was found undernourished practically just skin and bones. He was so hungry that he ate everything that he could find like needles, plastic bags, stones...

Konzerv is broken!
Our newest protegé is Konzerv 💔 who came from Verpelét. He was ran over and he is in a bad condition. 😢

Farewell Anika!
“Today I had to say goodbye to my dear old friend, Anika! 💔
This morning she became worse suddenly and her small body couldn't take anymore. We have taken her to the vet immediately...

Palacsinta Majális and her long road to recovery
The owner of these beautiful eyes is called Palacsinta Majáliss. She is hardly 5 months old and she spent most of her life in the hospital... she is there now. 😢

Revolver update!
Revolver was shot multiple times. One of the bullets bounced off of his skull but it ruptured it, his head has swollen and his eye became bloodshot. The other bullet is in his spine in the neck section.

Farewell Tyson!
Everything is different from now on. Our beloved Tyson the grumpy old fellow has reached his end of the road. He never new what it means to be somebody's one and only so we were his family and we were with him in his last minutes.

Keep your fingers crossed for Revolver!
Revolver 💔 was shot multiple times and now he is almost totally paralysed...
The Befogad-lak Foundation in Törökszentmiklós has asked for our help for an injured dog.

A lot of you have asked information about how our Noah's Ark animal home operates and when are we open in light of the COVID-19 virus.

Fuksz has won the fight against distemper!
🍾We have been waitnig for 19 long months for this news! Fuksz has won the fight against distemper!🍾

He came into our care in the last days of 2018.

Ocra and his face
He was captured by the city pound of Sátoraljaújhely and with the help of Andi Balázs his transport was organised and he came into our care.
We were hopeful that his face was swollen because he was bitten, stung, cut and that he would heal...

Mignon is doing a bit better!
Her condition has improved. She is getting such a special intensive care at the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic that the assistants don't leave her alone for a minute.

Nyakita news!
- Hi Nyaki, how are you?
- Hi doctor Betti, much better!
- I am glad, this colour suits you well!
- Thanks doc, for saving my life again❣️

Mignon is fighting for her life!
Her name is Mignon and she is hardly 6 weeks old. She was born in a puppy farm and a family bought her.... now she is in the vet clinic fighting for her life. 😢💔😡

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