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Jácintka and her big double surgery!
Jácintka💔 with her 2 broken legs had her first big double surgery. Our miracle worker and puzzle enthusiast has put her legs back together.

Jácintka and her 2 broken legs
Jácintka💔😢 this sweet little baby is in great danger!
A vet in Győr has asked for our help. She was taken to the vet. She didn't have a chip in her but she had two broken legs.

Somebody denies it, somebody admits it but one thing is for sure it is every animal protection group's nightmare and it we can't get rid of it. It is part of our animal home's life and we wish it weren't so.

Is this how an old dog has to end up???
Our newest protegé is Rzzibizi 💔😢😡 a ten plus years old small dog who was given up by his owner at the city pound in Miskolc. Thanks to the Second Chance Foundation in Miskolc we were called to help him and we couldn't say no.

Vért and his broken front legs!
Our newest protegé Vért came to us with the help of the Állatévdők Vasi Association. He was found in Gersekarát. He didn't have a chip in him. Both of his front legs are injured.

There are no words...
We have received a phonecall from the Szurkolók az Állatkínzás ellen group in Győr about 3 dogs that are kept on chains and they are in horrible condition. The dogs were in a village called Gyömöre and their rescue was started with the help of the police.

An extra helping "hand" in a form of Burgimmune Premium Immunestrengthening powder
The Burgimmune Prémium Immunerősítő Kombináció powder is immune strengthener in powder form that helped the thousand years old Textina to get into this great shape. She is doing well after having a big breast cancer removal surgery and she also has dirofilária immitis.

Keep your fingers crossed!!
Utca family 💔
They are not too well yet but they are together in warmth, they are being fed and they received treatment.❣️

We went for heart ultrasound!
Today we took 6 of our protegés for heart ultrasound because their heart worm test came back positive. Our specialist Dr Dalma Péterfia did the ultrasound. Today Lizinka, Lorna, Nolan, Aladár mama, Patrik and Habpatron were examined. Some of the news are good and some are bad.

Noir, another broken legged dog
Our newest broken legged protegé came into our care from Miskolc from the Második Esély Állatvédő Foundation. We have received a call from them about a dog that they found.

Hullahopp is free of her chains
Christmas time is here but taking a break is not possible.😢 This poor dog was spotted in Mezőtárkány. Her chain was grown into her waist and stomach. This kind of thing doesn't happen overnight.

Kelme, lost and found!
Kelme came from Borsod county into our care. It is hard to guess what kind of dog she is because she is in such a bad shape. She has a chip and she is 9 years old.

There are no words for human maleficence
We have received a broken-hearted phonecall on Sunday afternoon. A dog was found in horrible condition on the side of the road near Abádszalók.

Jorge news!
This little dog came from the city pound of Etyek. He had a serious head trauma in which he lost one of his eyes and became blind on the other one. 😢

Racing against time
Sárgaborsó was hit by a car and he is paralyzed...
The Foundation of Animal Protection in Füzesabony has asked for our help and of course we couldn't say no.

Jorge and his eyes
On Friday late afternoon we have received a message with shocking pictures from the city pound of Etyek. We have contacted them immediately and said yes.

Whity our airy-fairy dog
Have you ever seen an airy-fairy like dog? We have such a miracle in our care. She is Whity and she is about 3-4 months old. She was thrown over a fence in Mezőkövesd and we were called in to help because her leg broke big time.

Monológ was in great danger
Monológ 💔 came from the city pound of Miskolc. She has a bad case of vaginal prolapse. It is a serious condition but when we saw the pictures it went beyond our wildest dreams.

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