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The Gadna family is in need!
We have received a call from Gadna from the Maltese charity about mother dog and her puppies. The mother dog can breastfeed the puppies but she couldn't stand up in the last 24 hours.

We took 6 of our protegés for heart ultrasound because their heartworm test came back positive. Dr Dalma Péterfia specialist examined them. We took Riley, Ramsey, Apostol, Sürgős, Kornéliusz and Dwayne.

Cserkó and his eye operation
Cserko came into our care through the Foundation of Animal Protection in Füzesabony. First he had to fight the parvo disease for 2 weeks and he won.

Kertész update!
He came into our care about a week ago from Szirák. He was hit on the head hard. He sustained serious injuries. One of his eye popped out and his jaw splintered. The team of the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic has fought hard to heal him.

Lótusz is in safety now!
This totally blind Akita like female dog who (judging by her condition) was used as a breeding machine is our newest protegé.

Upsetting 🔞➕ pictures and content!
Our day started out good but turned brutal within minutes.😢 We have received a call from Dr Micsutka, one of the vets in Szirák whom we know because the well-being of animals in the region is very important.

Makkmarci update!
We have been quiet about his condition lately because unfortunately he had other health issues. He brought the horrible disease with him and he became very sick. He didn't eat for days, he also threw up a lot. We were very worried. 😢

Update on Szezám Magocska
It was a week ago that we had to take him away from his mother. He was born in the city pound of szerepi. Unfortunatel by the time he arrived his 4 siblings have died. 😢💔

Pirula was kept on a half meter long chain
Pirula was kept on a half meter long chain and she was skin and bones 😢💔😡
She came into our care with the help of the Pápai Humán Állatvédő Association.

24 dogs and 18 cats were adopted!
Time is flies and it is already May 😮
We would like to tell you that we have rehomed 42 protegé!

A silky-haired Leopold
The newest protegé of the Noah's Ark animal home is this smily, silky-haired lovely dog.❤️

Makkmarci update!
The pictures are still 🔞➕ 😢💔 but the news are better 🙏❤️
This little skinned cutie is healing in the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic.

A miracle is needed!
Again 🔞➕ picture and another hearbreak 💔😪😡
We have received a call: "There is a dog who is seriously injured. Can you help?" The only thing we could answer is yes!

Sylvi is in the Noah's Ark Animal Home!
Sylvi is recuperating in our animal home's hospital ward.
We are following the doctor's orders, changing bandages, giving pills and giving lots of love. 😄❤

Barbamami and her another examination!
Barbamama had the MR test in the VetScan Kisállat Diagnosztika Clinic. The preliminary results are unsettling. She has spinal marrow inflammation which has already reached the back of the brain-stem.

Barbamami's ordeal
Barbamami is still not doing well and we still don't know why. 😢
We took her to the heart specialist Dr Dalma Péterfia because of her heart murmur. The good news there is nothing wrong with her heart.

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