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Kisvárda’s Animal shelter helping program 2016

Our shelter helping project goes on this year and we are doing it with great enthusiasm and with the help of Magnet Bank’s public donations program. Our next stop is the shelter in Kisvárda called Ugat-Lak shelter.

We visited the pound in Zalaszentgrót!

For our vacation we went to Zalaszentgrót and of course we couldn't not go and visit the pound there and get to know them. :)

Spring vaccination in Törökszentmiklós

The Befogad-Lak shelter in Törökszentmiklós was in on our NOAH’S ANIMAL HOME HELPING SHELTERS PROJECT last year. We were surprised that even though they have a very tight budget they are very organized and the shelter is very clean.

Lending a helping hand to the Ágica shelter in Solt.

It came as a shock when we read the desperate Facebook post from the leader of the Ágica shelter in which she reports that due to money shortage she couldn’t neuter a pregnant cat who then gave birth and there are other pregnant cats so other growths are expected.

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