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The roe deer that didn't end up in the cooking pot

The other day in the evening we received a call from locals reporting about a roe deer squirming in a springe. The locals who called specified the location of the animal quite precisely, in the small forested area behind the Asia Center Plaza in district 15.

It goes without saying, we jumped in the car and rushed to the specified location to see if we can help. A lot of homeless people live in this forested area, and we suspected that they tried to obtain some meat this way.
Luckily, it was easy to find the animal as he made a loud noise while trying to get away.

Roe deer usually use the same path on a daily basis which makes it easier for poachers to catch them. They place springes and snares alog the path the animal uses and wait until the unfortunate creature ends up tied.

In this case, the deer was lucky, as the snare was made out of a rope and not out of wire. The latter could have caused serious injuries to the animal's leg.

Of course, we had to release the deer very carefully, because there is always a possibility that the terrified animal, trying to get away from the rescuers, breaks its leg.

Luckily, there were no complications at all: the young male roe deer was released, and rushed into the woods without a second thought – and thus he didn't end up on somebody's plate.


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