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Doglog 10-16.01.2011.

In the second week of January we had a surprisingly warm weather. This is good news as our residents are not cold any more, but of course, the warming brought water and the inevitable mud. There is mud on the road that leads to the shelter, mud in the kennels, and you can’t see a single white animal at the moment... On one day we simply couldn’t show the requested dog to the adopters as only the volunteers who wore plastic boots were able to reach the kennel where the dog was housed.

This week started with a tragedy: our beloved dog, Korsó (Jug) was found dead Monday morning. We still don’t know what caused her death as she was healthy, happy and very active the day before; we suspect that she had a GDV, Gastric Dilation and Volvulus, also called bloat (this is an emergency condition in which the stomach fills with gas and then twists). GDV is one of the things we fear the most, as these dogs can hardly be saved... Poor little Korsó, be happy on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!

As a strange coincidence, the same day Korsó died, her daughter Kupa (Cup) found a new home. She will accompany one of our old protegées – it seems that they both found the perfect new master!

Unfortunately, Kupa was the only dog we gave for adoption this week. This is really bad news because there is no room for new animals in the shelter, and the number of emergency calls and cries for help is still high every day...

Even though we can’t take in any more dogs due to the lethal infection that costed the life of a number of puppies, we had to house some dogs that were injured, had an accident and were in mortal danger.

Bazil is a 1 or 2 year-old shih-tzu male; in the spring 2010 we found him roaming on the M5 highway. In June he was adopted but now the new owners brought him back due to family reasons, so we had to find a place for him. Now he’s looking for a new home again.

Andrey was a ca. 5 year-old German shepherd mixed breed male who had an accident in Vecsés. He was badly injured, had a surgery, and our veterinarians fought for his life for days. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated during the weekend, and now he’s also on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge – we hope he feels much better there...

Majré (Creeps) is a ca. 1 year old mixed breed male. He was thrown out of a car at a gas station in district 19, after which he lived at the gas station for a month and was almost hit by a car several times. He is very scared and needs a patient and loving new family!

Emy is a ca. 2 year-old golden retriever female. She was found in district 15, at a gas station on Szentmihályi Road, running around between the cars totally confused.

Surda is a 5-6 year-old wire-haired pointer (vizsla) male. He was found injured on Péceli Road in district 17. It seems he had fought with other dogs, his body was covered with wounds, and he’s still terryfied. We took him to the vet immediately, his wounds were treated, but he needs a long rehabilitation period.

Farkas (Wolf) is a husky mixed breed male, ca. 2 years old. He was found in a train station in the town of Sülysáp. Despite his bad condition it was clear from the start that he is an extremely beautiful, special dog. He is very friendly, loves being cuddled by people and has no problems with other dogs either. That’s why we named him Wolf: he is like an angel in a wolf’s skin!

Gebesz is a tricolor female. Her owner died and she was given to us. She’s a very special, gorgeous dog, who gets along with everybody. Poor thing, she is used to living in a flat, and now she lost her owner and her home at the same time...

Nusika is a one and a half year-old black mixed breed female, found in the town of Ócsa. She’s really tame, friendly and very sad. She is the type all animal rescuers falls in love with at first sight but who usually wakes no interest in most of the adopters. We hope Nusika will be lucky and the master of her dreams will come for her soon!

A nice little lionhead rabbit came to the shelter this week as well. She is called Hanga. The white-and-grey bunny was given to us due to family problems.

A lot of people called us and asked about the little fox Koma (Pal), who was hit by a car in December, and tortured by unknown persons after the accident. Unfortunately, we have some bad news. After a short period of recovery, Koma’s condition deteriorated. Sometimes he felt better and was active, and even attacked the cleaning equipments, but there were days when he wasn’t even able to stand up. On one morning, Koma fell asleep and left us forever.

We have a new celebrity in the shelter: Főnök (Boss) the stork! He was found near Road 31 in a very bad condition; he was unable to fly. He must have been born this year but was not strong enough to follow his parents to the south and so he was left behind by the others. Everyone fell in love with him as he was standing still in the animal shelter’s office; he sometimes even wanted to see what we were doing with the papers. However, he was not so popular among our dogs. The veterinary examination proved that he had a serious arthritis in one wing which can be led back to an injury, or even to the extremely cold weather. He is treated every day which he doesn’t like but endures it with patience and with the dignity of a real stork.

(Photo: Blikk/Gábor Fuszek)

In a few days’ time he became quite a national celebrity as even some newspapers wrote about the tame stork in our office. Stork in the office – in Hungarian

He even had some professional duties to take care of, as a new baby was born in the Noah’s Ark family of volunteers!

Főnök scared us a lot on Sunday. He decided that his treatment was successfully completed and now he was strong enough to fly, and he used the few minutes of outdoor sunbathing to escape. We were extremely worried about him as his arthritis needs continuous veterinary treatment. Luckily, the little guy was found some days later and now he’s safe again.

We hope that in next week’s doglog we’ll have a lot of adoptions to write about and will make you happy with all the good news!

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