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Please accept our gratitude!

The tragic event of the recent toxic sludge burst has brought about a cooperation of our citizens at an unprecedented scale. Both humanitarian and animal rescue organizations took a fair share of the work at the premises. We would like to express our gratitude to the police force, the fire service and the disaster recovery team for their support.

The support we have received from the people has been incredible, it has given us a lot of strength! Animal lovers from all over the country, what's more, from all over the world have united and sent us the largest amount of donations we have ever received for any cause. We would like to thank all animal lovers, private donors as well as companies who united their forces and have given us this extraordinary support.

The donations have been used to cure the rescued animals, but a fair share has also been given to other animal rescue organizations who participated in the rescue : Elek-Ágh Animal Shelter Foundation, "Vahur" Ajka and Region Animal Rescue Humane Society, Animal Rescue Humane Society Veszprém, Vackoló Animal Rescue Organization, PET-Á.K. Humane Society, Ebremény Dog Rescue Humane Society, Lelenc.


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