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Doglog 31.05.-06.06.2010.

This week started with a series of tragedies – three of our beloved residents left us forever.
Tip of the Tip-Top duo died of babesiosis – we took her to the vet but it was already too late...

Our horse Álmos is also grazing on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

Our dog, Monthy is mourned by all. He had lived in the shelter for long and was loved by everyone, volunteers and visitors alike. He had a patella surgery and remained limp. He suffered from Cushing's syndrome and was on a special diet till the last day of his life, but his old body couldn't take up the fight anymore. He was tired, we had to take him to the vet very often, sometimes he was better, sometimes worse – but unfortunately mostly worse. On Monday the vet told us the dog's condition cannot be maintained without pain, and there is no hope for recovery. And we let the old friend cross the Rainbow Bridge...

Despite the heavy rain lots of animals came to us this week as well. Two little hedgehogs were brought to us by locals. One of them was in a perfect health, so we set him free; the other, unfortunately, had serious injuries, and one of his legs was lame. This leg had to be amputated.

Gerjén is a young white cat that came to us after some weeks on the waiting list.

Four new dogs came to the shelter. Csombék is a very old mixed breed male, he was found roaming on the road between Csomád and Őrbottyán. Even though he is very neglected, we hope that someone is looking for him, because it's clear that he saw better days.

Pöri (Stew) is a 4-5 year-old Dachshund mixed breed who was found in front of the Pöröly Grocery Store, lying motionless. Luckily she is in a good health, she was only very exhausted.

Csiki (Tickle) was found by our volunteers sitting in front of the shelter one morning. He is a young male, his permanent teeth just appeared.

Mütyür (Thingie) was placed on the hood of the car of one of our volunteers in a box. He is ca. 2 months old.

Ábránd (Daydream), Álom (Dream) and Áldás (Blessing) are 5-week-old kittens who were found in a plastic bag, tied to a tree. Although very small, they are healthy, have a good appetite and are litter-trained.

Cseppke (Waterdrop) is well, walks and plays with the ball!

The authorities of the 17th district asked for our help in confiscating 9 cats in very bad condition.

Members of our T-Klub (Supporters' Club), as they saw the terrible condition the animals were in, started to collect money for their treatment, and in 48 hours' time they were able to collect the price of two bags of special premium catfood. Thank you all of you, G.Éva, Karidzs, T.Krisz, Yoda, Tületty, Sicc, Odakre, Lorien979, Szakállmama, Zazsu, Cickáék, and Luxidadi!

In spite of the rain and storm, the boys were working hard – and as a result, the huge cage for our parrots is ready! Some turtles are also housed there, as well as the cat Renée.

On Saturday we were invited to the 5th Dog Owners' Day in Erzsébetváros. A lot of visitors were interested in our residents, and came to our tent to make new acquaintances with our badgers, piglets and dogs. We will post a detailed report of the event later.

Only one dog found a new home this week, but in this case the joy was bigger than usual. Tirpák (Redneck) had been our resident for a long, long time, and we were afraid that he never would find a new owner, as most people think of Staffordshires with many negative stereotypes in mind. Luckily, a family fell in love with Tirpák, and after several weeks of visiting him, they decided to adopt the dog. At last, Tirpák has moved to his new family!

Our cat Thomas (Tommyboy) also found a new owner, we wish him well! As we learned, he found his place in the family very quickly.

Some of our older ex-residents visited us during the weekend, it was a great pleasure to see all of them! One member of the Gödöllői family came to us to show how beautiful she is.

Pengő (Tuppence) was brought to us in a very bad condition, and we fought for his life for long – and it was worthwile! Now he is a wonderful, happy, joyful dog.

Pengő once, when we took him in:

Pengő in the shelter, recovering:

...and Pengő now:

Our old supporter, Laci was so kind and donated us two perfect carrier boxes. Thank you!


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