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Doglog 10-16.05.2010.

The weather was horrible this week: the strong wind and rain gave us a hard time, but of course, life doesn't stop in the shelter.

As usual, a lot of dogs came under our care after they had been scared and run away from home in the storms. Even though we have no free room at all, and 150% of our capacity is used, we cannot reject the animals that need help – so it's a continuous challange to find room for the newcomers.

Seven new dogs came under our care; two of them were picked up by their original owners in a few days' time.

Hadúr (Warlord) run away in the storm in the 17th district; his owner came for him after 2 days.

Boglárka spent only a few hours in the shelter, we didn't even have time to take a photo of her, the righteous owners came for her immediately.

Pocak was found by our animal rescue team on the rails at the Rákosliget train station. We are pretty sure that someone is looking for him as there is a 3-4 week-old scar, a result of a surgery, on his thigh.

Clio, who was adopted from us as a puppy, came back to us. The reason: the dog always came out through the open (!) garden door. It's unbelievable. Her owners did not wait until we have room for her in the shelter but dropped her at the dogcatchers' at Illatos Road.

An injured Dachshund came to our shelter. His tail had to be amputated, he's under medical care. We are looking for his original owner!

Villon was found in Kőbánya, on a tram. He is a very friendly, well-groomed, socialized dog, we hope to find his original owner.

Shakespeare was found in the 10th district, beside a road with heavy traffic. We are looking for his original owner!

Nócsi moved to a temporary adopter this week. If everything goes as planned, he can stay there for the rest of his life as a happy, adopted dog!

Dia had a surgery, as a tumor was removed from her left front leg. We were worried about the citologist's opinion – it seems that the tumor was malignant, but luckily this type of tumor usually doesn't display metastasis.

Members of our „kindergarten”, the little badgers and foxes, were vaccinated for the first time. They are growing quickly and obviously enjoy playing together!


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