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Doglog 20.02.2010

Let's see what happened during this week at the Noah's Ark Animal Shelter!

The first event of the week was a happy one: Trixi the cat found a new owner. Initially they wanted to take Tzatziki, but Trixi apparently made a better PR for herself, and she was chosen. She will live in a flat. We wish her a happy life!

We still owe you with the story of Csuklyás (Hooded), who was taken to the animal shelter to the initiative of the neighbours. The 3-4 year-old male was probably attacked by other dogs as his neck was seriously injured, and the skin was torn off. Even though the dog had a „master”, he did not take him to the vet, and as a consequence, the wound was infected, pus was seeping from it, and the smell of decay could be smelled even from a several meters' distance. The smell started to disturb the „master”, who decided to handle to problem in his own way, and wanted to beat the dog to death. Luckily, the neighbours could intervene and asked for our help. We took the dog to the vet immediately, where his wounds were cleaned and he got antibiotics and painkillers. We christened him Hooded because his skin was torn off of his neck and hang just like a hood. Now he is recovering and takes the medical treatments without a sound, and we know him as a very friendly dog, even though the treatments are often painful. As the wound is not new and it cannot be sewn together, we are trying to heal him with sugar therapy which has helped a number of our animals already.

We received some news about the cat Boróka (Juniper), who now lives with her temporary adopter. It seems that she is completely blind.

"Boróka's comprehensive medical examination is done. The result is that she cannot see. She is completely blind on one eye, and sees only blurred patches and senses the light with the other eye.
The vitreous humour is abnormal due to developmental abnormalities or previous injuries of the retina. It cannot be healed.
Results of the laboratory examinations are due tomorrow. It is also possible that she has chronical viral infections.
This is very interesting.
Even though the examinations showed that she is blind, it is still not that obvious. The vets wanted to see how she walks on the floor, and she was able to find the right direction quite easily. Here, in the family environs, she behaves a little bit strange, but no one would ever guess she is blind. This is the first time I have a blind animal for such a long time. You won't believe me but her disability is simply not perceptible. She finds the cat toilet, and enters it without problems. She loves to play, comes close without fear, purrs. The punch line is, no matter how scary such a disability might seem at the first sight, it does not disturb the animal, she still can live a happy life.
Her blood count gave good results, she has no infections, so these cannot be the roots of her eye problems. By the way, living with her day by day, I think her eyesight must be better than the results of the examinations indicate."

We hope that with all these „disabilities” she will also find a loving home; as the temporary adopter said, her blindness is not even perceptible, she only needs to get familiar with her environs and then she learns everything quickly. She can only be adopted as a cat kept inside. But for now, we say thank you to her temporary adopter who spends a lot of time with her and writes to us about her condition almost every day!

On Saturday, a member of the Kolompár dog family found a new master, along with Golden, the cat with pelvis injuries. We were promised to receive photos of their new life.

Saturday morning we took a dog that was beaten with a shovel, under our care. We christened him Harang (Bell). He is quite alright, and of course, under medical supervision.

Sunday morning somebody posted a cry for help on our web forum, saying that a dog is lying motionless on the street in the 17th district. One of our volunteers rushed to the spot and spent the rest of the day at the vet with the dog. Unfortunately, it is still not sure that the dog will survive despite the medical treatment. Please, keep your fingers crossed!

Here are some photos of our older residents who were visited by one of our volunteers on Sunday:

„Everything is alright with Remiza, she is loved and cared for, it was fantastic to see her again. Of course, she recognized me, and even though she did not run up to me it was obvious that she knew who I was. Then I gave her some food and we were friends again. :) There are problems with her eyes sometimes but it will remain so; however, if the problem appears it is always taken care of. She is beautiful, has grown a lot and I am happy to see her enjoying a new, loving home!”

Sabrina put on some weight and has become a very friendly cat who loves to be petted.

Rubble, a 3 month-old, very skinny little dog that suffered rib injuries and concussion while he was hit by a car, came under the care of our Mini Shelter. The skin was torn off of his belly, and he was quite apathetic when we took him in. Now he is recovering, we hope he will be stronger soon and become a naughty, healthy little dog.

Kyra found a new master



and Indigo, whose life was saved by her temporary adopter, who cared for her and fought for her life even when no veterinary trusted the dog's recovery. Now she can walk and run again. Many thanks to her temporary adopter, Zsuzsi, who did not give up!

New animals of our Boxer Rescue Team:

Daisy who was brought to us because of behavioural problems

and Tóbiás (Toby) who came under our care due to family problems

Kori found a new master and became the „flatmate” of our old resident, Bécy / Dió (Nut).

The newest dog of our Bulldog Rescue Team: Oliver. He was sold as a boxer, brought to us as an American bulldog, but he is actually a real, stubborn English bulldog. Still hyperactive at the age of 8, playful and a bit naughty. He was brought to us because his family moved to a new place.

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