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Doglog 09. Jan 2010

Several new animals arrived at our shelter or have come under our care this week. There were some lucky homecomings and tearful meetings with owners as well.

Brief news from the dog front:

We took Kasza and Blanka, who had been left in front of the shelter, under our care.

A dog family from Maglód; an animal lover saw as they were thrown out of a car on a busy road and brought them to us.

Boldy, His story is legible here!

Luca, who was found by high school students.

Szundi (Sleepy)

Barka (Catkin)

Their owners showed up:

Vince, Dion and Fannika

A dog found an owner:
Csoki (Choc)

The girls in the cat section were not bored either, our new protegees are:

Vadóc (Madcap)

Szöszi (Blondy), who found a new owner within a couple of days!


The tail of one of our dogs, Káró (Spade), had to be amputated because of paralysis and the loss of sensation.

Profil and Priusz got under the care of the Mini Shelter from Illatos Road.

And Advent found a new host.

The house of one of our volunteers (a member of the Schnauzer Rescue Team) burned to the ground.

We received news from a couple of our former protegees:

The life of Szuri the ferret:

Here are some pictures I took, which is not so easy as he is constantly moving around. :-) Szuri received a new name, we call him Maszat (Smut). He is very playful and stopped biting. I take a walk with him regularly and he likes that too. At the beginning he was scared, mainly of cars and the harness, but now he allows me to put the harness on him. They already sleep together with Tália and Berci. During a walk, if he gets frightened or tired (which is rare), he climbs up my foot and has himself carried a little. All in all, he is a very cute little ferret, adorable, everybody loves him. Let me say thank you for the care he received from you, also in his name! I’ll send more pictures later.

2. letter:

Szuri (Maszat) has started to show his real personality, and I can say he is a very cool little ferret! :-) My other ferrets accepted him immediately, he knows how to protect himself, and how to draw everybody's attention to himself. Now he plays without trying to bite my hand or the other ferrets, and he is calm when I take a walk with him. He is not perfectly litter-trained yet, but he is improving. He is a little energy bomb. Even if I play with him all day long, he still has secret energy resources, runs to me, bounces, jumps and mutters a lot. Yesterday he packed all his toys into one of my cabinets, including 1 tennis ball, 4 plush animals, 2 rubber balls, and if this is be enough, he also pulled the big, plush pillow from the carrier box into the cabinet. :-)
He was very cute while working.

Regards, Viki

Dear Noah's Ark,

First of all please forgive us that we disappeared for a while. At last I found some time to give a report on how the dogs are doing.
Luckily, both of them are doing well. They had just finished a socialisation training at a fantastic dog school today. On Saturday they are moving on to their first beginner level training course. (Please cross your fingers for us!)
The socialisation went better than any of us had expected. On the first training Félix attacked one or two dogs, but then he just stopped paying attention to the others, may it be a Caucasus, Rottweiler or other huge male or female. So he was very smart and now it is possible to let him close to any kind of dog.
There were no such problems with Helgus, she went up to all the other dogs to play and she found a lot of playmates. However, there were other problems with her. Helgus can be very headstrong, she did not respond to our calling and stayed outside to play as long as she wanted, completely ignoring us calling out to her. There has been some improvement in this regard, she comes back to us even if she is with other dogs and both little rascals are learning very quickly.
Félix already walks without a leash at some places. He is also more attached to us than Helgus, I could say he is a lapdog grown very big, because he sits on everybody’s lap (although he weighs almost 30 kgs) and it seems that his main goal in life is to smack a kiss on everybody's face.
Despite her physical hindrance, Helgus is preparing for an agility contest. She conquers every obstacle without a hitch, putting the professionals to shame. At first we were afraid that she falls or stumbles on the narrow board, but we had to realise that she is fearless and jumps over the hurdles just because she thinks it is fun (and for the sausage pieces, of course). We spent Christmas with the family which they really enjoyed, as they got a lot of tasty bits from the Christmas menu, duck, pork and all kinds of roast meat.
At New Year's Eve we stayed at home to avoid the crackers, luckily they tolerated the fireworks noise really well, hiding under the table or behind our backs, but without panicking.
I would like to say thank you to you for Felix and Helgus, they have really brightened up our lives. Here is a picture with them occupying the whole sofa.
I hope that after they complete the training, we can visit you personally.
Until then we wish you good luck and strength to your work and many adoptions in the new year!

Best regards:
Gábor and Enikő

Dear Noah's Ark,

I wish all of you and your little and big protegees a happy new year!

Talpas (Footed) Cirmike

(I've attached a photo about my horrible fate...)


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