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We would like to see him play on 4 legs

We named the little girl who arrived from Sánta last night Arabeszk 💜 because it means so much more beautiful than he is beautiful inside and out. He spent all day today in hospital being checked out.
Just a reminder, he is the doggy who somehow got injured days ago and instead of a vet, his owner simply tied him up.
His right front leg was almost destroyed. 😭 The entire upper part of his foot, soft tissue, tendon and finger bones are missing. Although the news reports came that he was hit by a car a few days ago - which is not completely out of the question - his injury may be even older and the bones in his foot are so regularly cut in a row that it is more likely to indicate a blow from something very sharp. And we'll leave it to everyone's imagination from here... 😡
His leg is inflamed, very badly swollen. He has a fever, but thank goodness there are no other signs of other major trouble. What you can see in the picture I got last night is the agony from the terrible pain. 💔
At first glance, everyone's head was spinning at the horrific injury and the thought occurred to everyone: this leg is impossible to save. But there is a reason why we have our miracle worker vet dr Boda. Attila Boda has also assessed the situation and he wants to fight for this leg. "Because amputation is always possible!" 🙏
So now, with strong painkillers, antibiotics, sugar bandages and daily vet check-ups, the fight to save Arabesque's leg is on. 💪

Please support his recovery and treatment!

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

Thank you! ❤️🙏


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