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The dog of the week: Germán

German has became calmer with time. It says a lot about his then self that I was scared to death when I saw him lying stretched out. I rushed over there dropping everything, thinking the worst, when I got there he jumped up bewildered as to why I wouldn't let him sleep. Because I'd never seen him calm during the day before, let alone asleep 😃
A year has passed, now he is noticeably calmer. That's not to say he's a garden ornament, but he's been lying down a lot, looking around, (like most dogs, but he's different, it's weird for him 🙂 ) snuggling up on my lap instead of making faces. He used to be sweet but time has refined him further. His face is a bit more bony now, his chin is greyer. Still, no one should think he is "dying". Just because he's getting on in years, he's perfectly well. He's not in pain, he's in a good mood. He's just calmer.
Anyone who's not in this world can't imagine how much we cry. There's so much loss. And when it's a dog you see every day, he greets you with a smile in the morning, and you love him so much, it breaks my heart to think that this could be what's in store for him, like so many other dogs. Life will end in the shelter alone. 😭
It would be a better and more beautiful gift for him and for us if he could be adopted. It is not a small request, but not impossible. Not impossible, is it? 🙏
German ears 😘
He is a watchdog, observing the area, detecting every movement 👀 be there in time for a cuddle ❤

German, who didn't do anything wrong, he just woke all the dogs around him from their sleep, even though it was really quiet after eating (no one would think that hundreds of dogs can be quiet 😌)

Because somebody wanted to be cheeky....🙄❣

German is like pulling the winning numbers in the lottery. It's possible to get it, but the chances are slim. 😪 10 year old, heartworm positive, shepherd mix.

He came to us a year ago and we make each other's days happy. There have been good experiences and annoyances, but German is a character for sure. He doesn't let anyone get bored, he shakes up his surroundings.
He's a mouthy type, his teasing is reduced to barking at the fence. Face to face he is very good with everyone, he gets along with all dogs indiscriminately. Before the bird flu he was guarding our ducks 🦆

Despite his age, he is not a sedentary dog, perfect for a more active family, he can be a very good companion with children. He is afraid of the storm, so he will always walk close to someone to feel safe.💔

For more information and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm, or visit


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