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Leporello is a the only member of the Lővér extended family, a beautiful black Labrador mix that has not been adopted. Not exactly the type to wag his tail at the kennel and try to sell himself to anyone who passes by. It takes a little time to get used to, but believe me, it's worth every minute. So far no one has taken the time or taken the trouble to do it, so since he was a puppy he has been in one of the kennels at NOÉ Animal Shelter... 😔

Leporello is a very deep feeling, very soulful dog, he was very affectionate with his former housemate, but since he was adopted he's a bit harder to get him to walk, but it's like going for a bath as a child - it's just hard to get going, once you're there it's quite good. He's very interested on walks, but if he starts to lose interest in his surroundings, it's very easy to motivate him with a reward bite (who knew). He's great with taking breaks in the walks, when he can be stroked endlessly and is a very good conversationalist - a bit like he really understands you. 🥰

He loves everyone - people, pigs, puppies, big dogs. When he meets someone, after a few times he greets her new friend with 2 super big front paws on one's chest/shoulders. 😍

Inquiries can be made on 06 30 221 12 99 or at the NOÉ Animal Shelter (1171 Budapest, end of Csordakút street) from Monday to Saturday between 10 and 15 hours.

Datasheet: Leporelló


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