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A true NOAH miracle !

A true NOAH miracle ❤️🙏❤️

If you have 2 minutes read our story and look at the pictures❣️

I don't think I will ever forget the 20th of August this year! Not because of the programs for the founding anniversary! For us at the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation, it was an unforgettable day for another reason! It all started on January 1, 2020! The annual New Year's Charity Noah's Run was attended by a young couple who received the shelter's most beautiful soprano voiced puppy #Peet. A young, gorgeous, snow-white and of course full of allergies bull, who immediately "ran" his way into their hearts with his voice and energy. Yes, but our white bull had a kennel mate #Szandra. She was a millennial, confident, stubborn, willful Staffi who chose and sold herself to Orsi and Tommy. The owners wanted their two "piggies" (Orsi named them that) so much that after retraining, changing their residence and workplace, starting a construction project, and waiting 1.5 years, they went home together to Dombóvar on 20 August 2021. (During this time they were constantly visiting us, the dogs, but also helping others and with everything else they needed at the shelter.)
I don't think I know many people with such good will! Dogs that start out behind, and two at a time, are rarely adopted. But they have seen the wonderful great spirit and loyalty of these four-legged creatures.
Without them, Saturdays would never be the same! We will really miss Sandra's willfulness, Peet's "beautiful" voice, Orsi's kindness and concern, Tomi's creativity 🙏❤️
No wonder that our volunteer team not only accompanied them on their last NOE walk before the trip, but also had a farewell party ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Live happily with the "piggies"! I promise we will visit you to " check if the kids are in the right place"! 🤣 On 20 August 2021, a family was born! ❤


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