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Puppy farm eliminated in Karcag!

It has been a shocking day and if I didn't know better I would say that this is a made up story. I actually wish it would be...
As you know the bureau of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county and the district office of Karcag would like to eliminate the puppy farms in the region. We have joined forces with them which is unique in the country. Dr Éva Széphalmi the county general vet fights with us.
We have received anonymous calls lately about a farm. We didn't let it go so we called the bureau of the region. Then the police office of Karcag was given orders to investigate. In the mean while we started the ball rolling with "our people".
We didn't know what to expect but what we experienced went beyond our wildest dreams. When we got there we had to be patient and the authorities too. The owner of the animals didn't want to come out and it took 1 hour before he did. After that the authorities entered the house and we had to wait outside. After a couple of intense minutes we were informed that crime scene investigators have to come and collect samples because it is horrible inside. It was no coincidence that we didn't hear them bark. After the CSI left we could start the rescue operation.
In the first pen it was pitch dark and it is not known when was the last time they saw the light of day. Some were kept in broken freezers, some were eating dead rats to keep the hunger at bay. Every dog tried to make noise and ask for help but not much sound came out of their mouth. Dog poop was everywhere. We can't forget what the owner sad: But I fed them!

It is unbelievable that in his mind this was more then enough for these poor sould. More then 100 dogs have been used over and over agian and all of them are mutilated. They made a lot of money for this person and they got nothing in return.

After we were done here the police has informed us that the man didn't live here and that they went to his place where they have found a couple of millions of forints and plus more dogs kept in bunny cages with cut vocal cords. They were rescued also.

All in all 148 dog were rescued. About 100 of them have no voice because their vocal cords have been cut and they are so scared that you can't even touch them. Their general health conditions are not good either. Some have ear infection, some have tumors, some have giardia, some have genetic issues and some didn't make it. 😞

The Captain of the police station in Karcag has came out to the scene and reassured us of their support. We would also like to thank Dr Réka Körmendy and Dr. Tibor Kovács vets for their help. This has not been the first time that we worked together and probably not the last.

Together we will succeed.


Here are the groups that participated in the rescue:
Állatmentő Sereg
Mopsz Fajtamentés / Mopszokért Alapítvány / Hungarian Pug Rescue
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány
PCAS Állatmentés
Putrinka-Mopszokért Alapítvány
Rex kutyaotthon alapítvány
Spitz Fajtamentő Alapítvány
Speciális Állatmentő Egység
Vahur Állatvédő Egyesület Ajka

We have taken in 32 dogs and all of the adult dogs are mute becase their vocal cords have been cut. 3 mother dogs came in with their babies. They are all dirty, smelly, full of fleas and full of worms. The bellies of the female dogs are deformed due to the lots of caesarean section that has been preformed on them. They have hernias as well. Their nails are long and deformed so they can hardly walk. Their medical evaluation has begun.

Please, support their treatment and medical care.

Please, support his surgery and recovery!

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

🙏Thank you!🙏


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