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Rántás is gone...

She left quietly just like she lived, quietly. She left a big gaping hole in our heart and we can hardly beleive she is gone. We really wanted for her to experience what it is like to have a very own family but she never had the chance. She came into our care 9 years ago. She was confiscated by the authorities as a puppy. She lived through a lot of horrible things that we couldn't make her forget. We have tried to rehabilitate her a few times but the touch of a human being and our company has given her so much stress that the only solution for her was to let her live in peace. We loved her very much. We looked in on her every morning and every afternoon and we talked to her and she told us with her big brown eyes that everything is okay. Her house is empty now and not even her one true friend Habarcs goes into it. 😢

We will never forget her! ❤️


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