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First and foremost we THANK YOU!

Thank you for everybody who decided to give us their 1% tax to our animal home (Rákosmeti NOÉ Bárkája Állatotthon Alapítvány). Thank you for supporting our animals and our work. All together 14770 tax payer gave us 61.934.667,- forint from last year taxes. This is a big amount but it is bitter sweet because it is lot less then last years amount. The tax return system has changed and a lot of people didn’t use that opportunity to help organizations. What will happen with more then 1 billion forint? It will stay with the goverment and they will use it as they see fit.
What does it mean for the Noah’s animal home? First, we have to rethink and make new plans. Our main priority is to take care of our 1200 animals. We will definately have to make budget cuts and it will affect all areas like taking in injured and sick animals, helping out other small shelters, making inprovements and expansions. Of course we will not leave the animals in a lurch and we will do what we promised to do and help the animals right down to our last breath. It helps to know that you are with us all through the year and not just with your 1% tax. We will go on but you know IT CAN ONLY HAPPEN WITH YOUR HELP!

Thank you for all your support!


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