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Our dog Hair has made it!

Take a look at this little old lady who came to our animal home 2 months ago, without fur, sick and sad.
Two months later and she is doing much better. Her fur grew back, gained weight and started to smile! She will have another blood test next week and if the result is good then she will be neutered. After that the only thing will be missing is a family!

If you wish to be her new owner of this bit shy but cuddly and lovely tiny dog then please call 003630 2211299 or come to Noé animal home personally (1171 Budapest, end of Csordakút street) from Monday till Saturday between 10 am till 3pm!

We would like to thank everyone who donated to the treatment and to the recovery for Hair.

You can support her now through her data sheet and virtually adopt her.

Take a look at this little old lady who came to our animal home 2 months ago, without fur, sick and sad.
Two months later and she is doing much better. Her fur grew back, gained weight and started to smile! She will have another blood test next week and if the result is good then she will be neutered. After that the only thing will be missing is a family!

If you wish to be her new owner of this bit shy but cuddly and lovely tiny dog then please call 003630 2211299 or come to Noé animal home personally (1171 Budapest, end of Csordakút street) from Monday till Saturday between 10 am till 3pm!

We would like to thank everyone who donated to the treatment and to the recovery for Hair.

You can support her now through her data sheet and virtually adopt her.


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