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Batta family saved from death’s door!

Another family saved from death’s door! They are the Batta family with a very loving mother Heni.

Heni has a chip and an „owner” but she still decided to give birth far away from people at a place which is monitored by hunters. She had luck because Virág who was walking her dog whe she spotted Heni crawling into a hole and heard the baby cries. She didn’t leave them to fend for themselves and she started to feed them and try to get help for them.
The only thing we knew that if the rain comes then the puppies are in danger in that hole and the mother is also in danger because she is running back and forth in an area where are hunters. The volunteer workers of Foxterrier rescue and the Léleklánc animal protection foundation with a shovel in hand went on a rescue mission. They were in such a deep hole that not even with the camera’s flashlight were the puppies seen. The girls didn’t give up and with local men power the dug and dug and dug until they reached the 4 puppies. The big surpise came when the chip reader beeped indicating that she has a chip and an owner. The story is said and upseting. This was not the first pregnancy for the dog. The owner told us that she ran away a month ago and he is willing to give her up to Noah’s animal home.

Now they are safe and they can start their new life which will be better for them. Please, keep your finger crossed for the babies because they are still very young and fragile at this age and we hope everything will be allright. We would like to thank Virág for finding them and for not being indifferent. We would also like to thank for Heni and Judit who helped rescue them.
If you wish to support the little family then send good quality starter and junior food!

Thank you.


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