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Lending a helping hand to the Ágica shelter in Solt.

It came as a shock when we read the desperate Facebook post from the leader of the Ágica shelter in which she reports that due to money shortage she couldn’t neuter a pregnant cat who then gave birth and there are other pregnant cats so other growths are expected.

After the initial shock we contacted the shelter. Thank to their corporation we were able to neuter 4 pregnant cats so the most urgent problems were solved.

Naturally we wanted to visit the shelter and get to know them better and see the work that they do. We packed our car with donations and went to Solt.

The leader of the shelter Ágica welcomed us fondly. It showed that the shelter had big dreams. Roofed kennels with safety locks. There is no overcrowding or pack keeping. Nobody is sick or pregnant anymore.

But time has stopped in the shelter. The construction was halted and the half done kennels and containers were abandoned. What was the reason? It was Ágica’s the leaders serious illness and what came with it. She moves with difficulty and she can’t care for the animals as before. Due to this change the supporters and volunteer workers turned away. Currently her son and his friends care for the animals. The cats are housed in their own home. The dogs are at the shelter.

Since we were down there we couldn’t leave empty handed and brought with us the cat family that was born in the shelter. They are now in our care and we are looking for new owners for them!
POLKA MAMA and her kids!

Currently their biggest problem is the electricity and water. Their aggregator is broken. It would be great if someone could help solve that problem.
Facebook page of the shelter: Ágica Sérült Állatok Menedéke facebook oldala

We will return to Ágica in Solt and we will help them more!
As usual this project is only successful with YOUR HELP!
Please support the Noah’s Ark animal home “shelter helping” project. We have a separate bank account for this project.

MagNet Bank
Within Hungary: 16200175-11537814
From abroad:
IBAN: HU25 1620 0175 1153 7814 0000 0000
MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank
Swift kód: HBWEHUHB
1062 Bp., Andrássy út 68.


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