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Tudor is tailored!

Tudor, who WAS the ‘two-headed’ puli, is over his surgery. It seems the long, complicated and dangerous surgical action was successful. The second head has been removed from Tudor’s bottom, so the giant lipoma has been eliminated. Lipoma is a benign, but it could be very risky for a dog at this size.

The surgery was long and double vet team was required for it. The original plan was to eliminate the whole lipoma with keeping more skin. The operation was successful, ‘only’ the complication-free healing is the next.

How pretty is his tailored bottom?
Now we really need to take care of him having a recovery without any intergrowth. But we hope.
If he is over this, he will be waiting the owner applications as a beautiful, young and healthy puli boy.

Please, donate for the special operation and healing for Tudor.

Virtual adoption can be started through his data sheet:


Many thanks, if you could donate on any other ways, all forints count a lot. This is an opportunity the save ill, injured and life threatened animals.
Our bank account is:
OTP 11710002-20083777

Direct donation via bank card HERE:
Please put ’Tudor’ in the note field.

We are thankful for every call or text message to NOÉ Animal Shelter Foundation’s ADHAT helpline.
Call 13600 (no area code) and after the automated message press 63, NOÉ Animal Shelter’s code.
If you prefer sending a text, send number 63 to 13600. A phone call or a text is worth 250 HUF – this is how much we receive, and this is how much the caller is billed for.
This service is currently available from the T-Home and T-Mobile networks (calls only for the time being!) as well as from Telenor, Vodafone and Invitel.
Thank you so much!


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