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Life is beautiful

The backup police’s dog-subclass and 17th district Division police asked our help back in February.
Someone has „raced” a big dog by lacing it behind his car, so proceeding has been brought against the owner and he has been short-term arrested.

It was just the preliminary notice that made us horrified, but then we have not found words when the whole truth emerged.
She is Zuri, a 2-3 years old beautiful pyrenean female sheepdog. A lace has been deeply hacked and grown around her neck, what was probably applied in her puppy hood. In time the dog has grown around the lace. The wound has suppurated, got infected and was out of kilter. The perpetrator has hooked a plastic warp around the purulent neck of the dog, then he pulled her behind his car. He said at the time of his short-term arrest that he had wanted to take the dog to the vet.

...yes, he came up with that explanation...

We have taken the dog from the police right to the vet, where she was immediately operated. Then we have started her body and soul rehabilitation that we expected to be a very long process.

Soon we won her trust. Everybody tried to assure her that we do not want to hurt her, while the wounds have been making a good recovery.

Then all at once the dream owner has heaved in sight, who at first could not even touch Zuri, but he has undertaken the process lasting several month to adopt her. His hard work succeeded, because a few days ago he could take the totally healed Zuri home.


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