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Noémi has just survived her major operation

Here is a brief update on the current state of Noémi, the splintered tiny baby dog. Luckily, she has survived her operation yesterday. Despite her teeny size and her fairly young age, she had no major difficulties to face. What is more, she has already conquered every heart with her cuteness.

As you may know, Noémi arrived to Noé Animal Shelter the day before yesterday, after she was found on the streets at the age of only 8-10 weeks. Whatever may have happened to her has been a huge damage – her hip-bone and her pelvis have been splintered totally. We can only imagine the pain she had to go through. READ HER STORY HERE

Her joints and bones have been tied together yesterday during an hours-long operation. On the one side, her hip and her thigh bone had to be repaired together and on the other side, her pelvis must have been fixed. It seems that the complicated procedure went just fine. In case the first few weeks of her recovery goes without any complications, then she has every hope to believe in a future full of running and fooling around, just like a normal baby dog.

Noémi left the hospital today – she is now under strict restrictions of movement (tell that to a 10-weeks-old baby dog...). After removing the stitches, a physichoteraphy is waiting for her. A happy life in the future is not depending on our hard work as you may see.

If you can, please support Noémi’s complicated operation, along with her recovery which might take a few months.
There is a possibility for virtual adaption on her website here:


Bank account: 11710002-20083777

Bank transfer from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

PayPal is also available at Please indicate the name of Noémi in the notes field!
There is a new DONATE hotline of Noé Animal Shelter to send an SMS to. Call 13600 without any prefix and wait for the automatic sign. Please add the code 63 of Noé Animal Shelter.

In case you prefer to send SMS message, then please send the code 63 to 13600. A single call or SMS only costs 250 HUF. This is the amount we get. The phone donation service is available at the following service providers: T-Home, T-Mobile, Telenor, Vodafone, Invitel.

Thank you very much!


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