Ignac the goose, the healer of dogs.
This handsome little guy, sorry gander (most probably) is Ignac. At the first glance he looks just like our other beautiful snow-white muddy blue eyed geese.

But Ignac is still different from the other hissing, tongue flicking geese. Some days ago this little bird left the gaggle and joined Dugo, the dog. It didn’t take a genius to see it’s not a passing romance. It’s definitely a serious relationship as long as Ignac is concerned.

He is with Dugo all the time, following him, lovingly cleaning his face and eyes. Dugo is a very kind and
friendly dog who gladly accepts his friend’s caretaking. Or at least he doesn’t get offended.

We thought it’s because of the positive character of the dog, and it must have had some truth because last summer Dugo was the best friend and support of our growing little wild boar Monk on his way to independency.

A nyári beszámolónk Dugóról és Monkról ITT!
Since then Monk has grown up and is out of our farmyard.
However, on a beautiful sunny day the girls took out our old, paralyzed dog Csutka for some sunbathing.
He is very old and absolutely unable to use his hind legs. He is spending most of his time inside the closed hospital area, so Ignac could only know him remotely. But when Csutka was left alone in the sunshine, Ignac felt that he is really needed here! He appeared immediately and took excellent and loving care of the old dog.

The usually grumbling Csutka received with enthusiasm the approach of the little feather ball, at least that’s what we think!
So we can confidently say that Ignac became the NOE’s farmyard lovingly healer goose. We are curious to know who will be the next one that Ignac will take under his wings. Because anything can happen at the NOE Animal Home.
More photos about the Ignac therapy HERE!
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