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Pepe the skunk passed away

Up till now three animals lived in the Noe Animal Shelter with the name Pepe; the mini pig, the macaque and the skunk. Now we have lost our senior Pepe who has been living with us for more then 6 years; after a serious disease the lymphoma defeated him.

Now his favourite trunk and his snug by the entry of the Noe barnyard is abandoned and empty. The tour around the Animal Shelter always started by and with him. However he spent most of the day napping in silence the lucky ones had the chance to meet him. The first bunch of the conundrums prepared for the children groups visiting us was in connection with him: What kind of animal is he?Where is he indigenous? How does he differ from the badger indigenous in Hungary? From where may he be familiar to everyone?

He has been ailing for months, we tried medication, he has undergone a medical check-up, we have used the most up to date means- CT; ultrasound; laboratory testing- but all we could find out is the terrible certainty. It turned out that what we face and fight against is the worst type of the deadly disease: lymphoma. In spite of starting the medical treatment as soon as the exact diagnosis was established we only had a few weeks left. Pepe left and we will never forget his nice white stripes, his crummy tummy and his piggy nose.


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