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One more of our oldies Mikardo left us :(

Mikardo had been in the care of NOÉ Shelter for almost two years.

Though the ten year old dog arrived to us from an owner, he was skin and bones and his blindness was just a bonus on top of it all. We can't be sure how long he was in this depressing state but it was clearly visible that nearly everything scared him.

To the people he was always delightful and friendly, but he could not bear other dogs' companies.

Just as he found his way around the shelter, his funky nature got revealed, thus unfortunately he could not hang out with the other elders around the yard. He was almost incredibly impetuous, when he went for a walk you could only see a marching brown ball of fur. And he often did go for a walk because just as he was completely incompatible with other dogs was he nice and sweet with people, many visitors came to
the shelter almost just because of him.

We really wished for an own family for him where he would have been loved taken care of at all times but his Angel did not come for him. He left us very suddenly, without any visible signs. The only thing comforting us is beyond the Rainbow Bridge, where he is now, he can freely run around all day, just walk all day and can see all the curiosities of the world, thus have a good relationship with other dogs...


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