Noah Animal Shelter in 2012
In spite of financial difficulties, the year of 2012 was the year of development...
Two of our big dreams could come true
The road to the Shelter – regardless of the weather – is not only beautiful but flat as well so it makes our life easier.

Broadband Internet is now available at the region of the shelter, which is necessary for our work – thank you very much for it!
Considering the strong fluctuation, new rows of kennels were built (it was not difficult the find new residents).

The runners for Linda, the hamadrya

and for Bruce Willis, the Golden Jackal were built.

Our stud cannot complain either for this year...their territory became bigger and they can cool and refresh themselves in luxurious circumstances under their extra superb roof.:)

Finally, we surprised our truly envied birds with a wonderful, heated aviary so that they can stay with us during the winter and they can be admired as well.

In January the dog school opened in the Shelter. Since then several classes of “students” graduated both at elementary and intermediate level. It is to our special happiness that there were many ex-Noah residents who had participated there.

The members of Noah Supporters Club donated HUF 4,720,000. We could finance several operations – sometimes in emergency – for our dogs, cats and other animals from this amount. Moreover, we could buy medicaments and equipment too.
Thank you very much for the help of Noah Supporters Club. We count on you in 2013!
Our educational group was active as well, since we received groups of young people from kindergarten to university. Every week we also hosted handicapped children and adults, retired people and even disadvantaged people. We regularly visited kindergartens, schools and pensioners’ houses where our proteges brought happiness. The instructors talked about responsibility when keeping an animal and introduced the status of animals for them.
We received more than 150 groups in the Shelter in 2012 and we gave lectures at almost 100 places. We do hope that we could contribute to the growing-up of a generation which accept and respect both animals and nature.
We receive more than fifty telephone calls and numerous emails a day in which people want to bring dogs, cats - sometimes whole families - to the Shelter. Due to the economic crisis, the number of these animals has grown up. The number is unbelievable, it is 100-120 animals average.
The numbers talk for themselves:
Summary of the year 2012:
Noah Animal Shelter, central dog department:
Final number in 2011: 285
Number of received dogs: 350
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 233
Adopted dogs: 307
Passed away: 52
At the beginning of 2013 the number of dogs looking for owners: 276
Noah Animal Shelter domestic, egzotic and wild animals:
Final number in 2011: 412
Number of received animals: 232
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 110
Number of those wild animals who returned home:73
Passed away: 43
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 528
Cat rescue team
Final number in 2011: 70
Number of received animals: 306
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 138
Adopted animals: 273
Passed away: 42
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 61
MiniShelter special rehabilitation project
Final number in 2011: 75
Number of received animals: 140
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 68
Adopted animals: 121
Passed away: 14
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 80
Boxer rescue team
Final number in 2011: 41
Number of received animals: 89
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 43
Adopted animals: 76
Passed away: 7
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 47
Bulldog rescue team
Final number in 2011: 16
Number of received animals:59
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 48
Adopted animals:53
Passed away: 6
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 16
Chau-chau rescue team
Final number in 2011: 10
Number of received animals: 8
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment:4
Adopted animals:13
Passed away: 1
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 4
Cane corso rescue team
Final number in 2011: 10
Number of received animals: 17
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 5
Adopted animals: 9
Passed away: 3
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 15
Horse rescue team
Final number in 2011: 18
Number of received animals: 3
from that number those who were injured or needed treatment: 2
Temporarily adopted: 6
Horses who returned to original owners: 1
Passed away: 0
Noah residents at the beginning of 2013: 20
At the beginning of 2012 we had 937 proteges, 437 dogs, 70 cats 18 horses and 412 domestic, egzotic and wild animals.
We received 1204 animals in 2012, 663 dogs, 306 cats, 3 horses and 232 other animals.
We succeeded in adoption and returning home of 926 animals, 579 dogs and 273 cats. All our adopted animals had their vaccines, they had chips in them and the adult animals were neutered before moving into their new homes. The cubs were given to adoption with commitment to neutering.
2012 was not only the year of development but sometimes the year of tears too, since 168 of our protégés had passed away. We are against making animals die but unfortunately we cannot avoid illnesses and ageing. This number is so high due to the following: serious infection in the summer, a couple-of-days old kittens and puppies, injured dogs in emergency, the number of pensioners in Noah Shelter, the number of hens before cutting them etc. We were aware of crying a lot but this number came as a shock for us too.
The other huge number of animals is the number of those who arrived ill or injured. More than half of those animals who arrived to Noah could go to a vet immediately: 651 from 1204. It means that every day 2 animals arrived who needed immediate help as average. It is a huge number! This number does not involve the treatment and medication for those who had already been living in Noah. Now the high vet financial costs are understandable. It is over the basic treatment, vaccines, sterilization and chips.
The treatment of ill and injured animals in emergency costs the most so that is why we ask for help from you, Angels, in all cases.
2012 was not easy and we do not expect an easier 2013 but we work and fight for them with you.
Thank you very much for those who contributed to our work: volunteers, offering 1% of your tax, donation, virtual adoption, adoption, temporary owners, calling our phone number or sharing something.
We have many plans for 2013. We would like to help for those who are disadvantaged, ill or injured. Our most important plan for this year is the renovation of the department of infectious and injured animals. We cannot succeed without your help and donation.
We would like to ask you to offer 1% of your tax because we can help only if you support.
Tax number: 18169696-1-42
You can help through our ADHAT emergency line:
Call 13600, and after the automatic introduction, dial the code 63. The cost for the call is HUF 250 (we get this amount and this amount is invoiced too).
You cannot send a text message yet.
At the moment the service is available from T-Home, Invitel, T-Mobile, Telenor and Vodafone.
Donation is possible by bank account:
You can also donate through the central bank account or through each bank account of the special projects that you can find at each project.
Thank you Angels!
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