Dia’s fairy tale
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, red Spitz mixed female dog. She was young and beautiful but she was wandering around the world very lonely. Some friendly and kind people helped and supported her so she could live at a nice and happy place since then. She had everything: friends, food and drink, a bed. But she still had a strong desire for what others call a HOME and those who mean happiness there: a FAMILY. This beautiful, gentle and friendly dog was just waiting and waiting. It could not be said that she was lonely because very nice people were around her but she felt very miserable in the evenings, at cold winter nights, in freezing wind when the others were screaming. Time went on, not one or two days, but many years passed. The love of the familiar people made her life happy but she still missed HOME and FAMILY.

One day, she felt a terrible pain in her leg. The familiar people looked at her worriedly. Then suddenly many strange and frightening things happened. She was taken to a cold place which smelled bad. Everything went dark and when there was daylight again, she felt dizzy and her leg hurt very much. She received a big white bandage and since then she kept hearing the word: CANCER. Whenever she heard that, the familiar people’s face turned sad. She did not know what it meant, but she felt that those who she received love and care from during the years, wanted her to fight and recover. As she was a very nice dog, she managed to do it and she won. Her leg did not hurt anymore and she felt strong. But she still had a gap in her heart to fill: the desire for FAMILY and HOME.

Although she was trying hard, the pain and the CANCER returned and attacked her twice but she managed to fight and win. She learnt new words as well, such as CHEMOTHERAPY and RADIATION. As time went on, her lovely red fur turned white on her face, the energetic and active legs became slower and running turned into walking. Dog buddies changed around her, but she remained with her nice and gentle character and her strength.

Suddenly everything changed. The familiar people came to her one after another with teardrops in their eyes. They hugged her and kissed her. She did not know what she had done wrong and why she made these people so unhappy. Then, during the night the familiar people came which was very strange. She was disturbed on her lonely night. They were hugging her kindly and put her in a dark box. Truly, it was very frightening. She was worried and nervous. She did not know what was going to happen. A long journey started. After travelling a lot, the box opened and it was daylight outside with never seen view and fragrance. The familiar people had teardrops in their eyes although there was a smile on their faces. Unfamiliar people took the end of the leash and the familiar people and fragrance went far away. The new people used a strange language but there were so nice which made her happy. Although she did not understand their words, their voice and movements were unambiguous. She was invited to a warm place. She was offered a comfortable bed. There was another dog and it was so strange that she could understand its words. Since she was totally exhausted, she fell asleep almost at once, but something was strange. She did not felt the strong desire any more. She understood that now she had a HOME and a FAMILY and can live happily ever after…
This is not a tale, this is the story of Dia who had lived in Noah the longest. She became a resident at a very young age. In spite of the fact that she was beautiful, young and kind somehow the potential owners did not occur. She became old at Noah, she won the match against cancer three times and she turned to an old granny. But now, after living nine years in the shelter, Dia, in her early teens has an OWNER in Germany. So yes, this is a real fairy tale.

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