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Hi there servants!

You probably missed me. I know, I could tell sorry, but why should I lie? That is nasty. Now the happiness is bigger. Why should I provide explanation? I was tired; I had to have a rest. I hadn’t got time for you. You can accept it, that’s the only choice. So let me tell you a few words on last week’s events. I got a new frigging dog. I told them it is crowded in here. Especially there are three more dogs than it should be, but I was told there’s no other place for them. I don’t believe that there is no place elsewhere on five acres. This is because I’m not respected here enough. But why is the celebrity fox not respected? But I think later on I will be respected. So the new fringed dog is Kompót.

No comment… He is as much mindless as the others. But he is just a dog. I don’t know what I hoped for. Maybe a little bit of intelligence? I was naive. So one more dog is breathing the air near me.
He breathes the cold air. I hate this wintertime now. There is mist, really cold weather and no sunshine. Who likes this? It’s sure that I don’t. I’m freezing. My doghouse is not heated. There are some straws inside, but it’s not enough. I have a terrible life even with 10-15 servants and five acres.
Last Saturday there was an event here. A small birthday party and a black dog day...But let me ask you when will be an Azil day. I think never. Me, the little fox saw people who brought some food, blankets and other cool stuff, but I was innocent to think that was for me and I had so many fans.

But I didn’t get anything, I repeat it: nothing. Everything was for the stupid dogs full of fleas and the meowing cats with silky fur. I don’t want too much, just a heated home, a TV and a girl. I think it’s not much. So what would happen if I was choosey?
And I don’t want to mention that I wasn’t invited to the party. It would be the minimum, but I had to sit here in the front of the shelter and listen to the party sounds that came from the back. That’s beautiful.

That was all the complaints for today! I got tired during the dictation. Men don’t understand anything for the first time. He is an amateur. But I have to employ him because I can’t type alone because it’s a bit tiring. So I go to sleep now.

I promise you I won’t be away for so long!

If you feel like you can’t be without me for long - which is sure to happen- then occupy yourselves and find the 10 differences on the picture below!


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