A great rescue operation - or a private note through the eyes of animal rights acitvist.
When we get the first news and pictures about the private animal shelter of an elderly lady in the departement of Csongrád, we've been horrified. According to the first information, there are 150 dogs, located on a total of 5 sites. Neither vaccinated nor sterilized. Millions of fleas, worms, treatment rarely, only when really needed.
In one of the pictures there is female dog looking at us sadly, with an enormous tumor. Immediately, we decided: we have to help her and the others immediately.
The same week we went to look at their conditions, and of course to take those who needs medical treatment urgently.
The lady contacted us for our help. The anger we got after seeing the pictures and heard the news, left us when we met her and found out the real situation. Our intention was to help and the goal was to help the animals, to get them the basic needs such as vaccinations, internal and external parasite clearance and sterilizing, and maybe a loving family.
The history:
More than 10 years ago, then middle-aged, animal-loving, wealthy lady couldn't pass unnoticed near an animal in need. She had place and a good financial situation to afford herself the 'luxury' to help. Moreover, she bought a house, land to help the growing number of animals. Initially, there was no problem for vaccinations, sterilization, medical treatment, but later she only had enough to finance food and a staff for them, which still was hundred thousand forints per month.
So far she never asked help from anyone. The locals - knowing that in she will always help - thrown in her garden unwanted litters, the local vet called her if She had place for an abandoned dogs, helped the dogs of others, or she took in dogs from shelters that was closed down.
On the site, there are dogs who have arrived there 8-10 years ago. Obviously they love the lady, and of course it's mutual.
Of course, the number of animal has increased because the absence of sterilizations and following the order of nature, dogs and cats have had litters. However, a part of these puppies died even before the age of 8-10 weeks because of the absence of vaccination and medical treatment. Those who survived, of course had other litters in this already busy shelter.
The lady have had two serious stroke recently, which made her feel the responsibility, what would happen with of all of these beloved animals, if something fatal happens to her, and here we come, we and the other animal protecting organization to help.
We got the exact number of animal in the site:
Total of 200 dogs and 26 cats.
Female dogs: 72
Male dogs : 88
Puppies: 37 (but this number is steadily increasing and decreasing)
These are reduced numbers, other organisations as Futrinka, Kutyás Szabadidősport Egyesület, Állat- és Ember Állatvédő Egyesület , Retriever Rescue, Dobermann Rescue Hungary, had alraedy saved lots of dogs. Our organization have taken 7 dogs, in emergency situation.
Böbe - 6-7 years old female mixed-breed dog , with a huge hernia.

The surgery is now over, her condition is stabilized. Remain to cure the spirit, and teach her that human contact is a good thing.
Fergie - 7-8 years old small mixed-breed female, suffering from purulent metritis and skin diseases.

The surgery is now over, she is waiting for adoption in a temporary family.
Escada - 3 years old small, deer-legged, mixed-breed female, with skin diseases.

Kind, but very scared, waiting for adoption in a temporary family.
Cseléd - 7-8 years old, dachshund mix female, with breast tumor, hernia and several serious wounds.

The wounds are due to a previous ( 1 year ago) infected hernia operation. During the surgery we took out the tumor, and correct the hernia. His rehabilitation will be longer, so we are looking for temporary adoption.
Lábas - 6-7 years old mixed-breed female, with deformed feet.

She also received immediate veterinary care, and chiropody . We then found out that her feet was so deformed (due to unknown cause), that her walk will remain incorrect, cannot be surgically rehabilitated. She was also sterilized.
Vilma néni - 10-11 years old mixed female, with broken jaw.

As the veterinary examination revealed the jaw injury isn't recent, so does not require any treatment.
Lokni - 8-10 weeks old female puppy, found in the street at the time of our visit.

She is waiting for adoption in her temporary family.
Since our own shelter is full house, working at 150%, unfortunately we can only take those who needs treatments . But we still want to help. On the one hand, to find homes for the kind, friendly, sociable dogs , and on the other hand, the treatments, vaccinations and castrations of other animals.
Unfortunately, we can't do it without help, without civil support because we even need help for our own animals. But we believe that by joining our forces, cooperating with civilians, and other animal protection organizations, we can stop the problem.
A female dog sterilization is about 12 000- 14 000forints (according to the weight). Now there are 5 pregnants females on the site. These dog's operations will be immediately carried by us, as well as we help the entire dog population to rid of dog worms.
The Dobermann Rescue Hungary is helping in the sterilization of other 20 female dogs.
Many a little makes a mickle, and Angels will always here:)
Without you we can't do it! Let's solve this situation together!
Our bank account number is:
11710002-20083777 : OTP 11710002-20084606
If you would like to transfer money from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.
For PayPal and online credit card transfer go to the middle of our homepage.
Thank you!
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More pictures can be found on the following link:
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