If you have questions about Labdarózsa, please send an e-mail to !
Labdarózsa is a light-coloured Labrador bitch, born around 2020, who came into our care with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation.
Labdarózsa's life so far was not a good life, she was locked in a shed and by the time she was rescued, her companion was already dead.
We really want her to put this horrible life behind her, but as she had no chip, no vaccinations and no other protection, we were not surprised to see a positive heartworm test. We promised her she would recover and we would find a family where she could live as part of the family for the rest of her life. Ball is a friendly, large soul.
For more information about him and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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